Universities -> University Research Labs

College of William and Mary Center for Geospatial Analysis The Center for Geospatial Analysis (CGA) is a trans-disciplinary GIS program at William and Mary. The CGA offers undergraduate GIS classes in Geology, Environmental Science, Anthropology, Health Science, Public Policy, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Biology as well as offering marine science graduate instruction at VIMS. The CGA employs two full-time faculty members with expertise in GIS and Remote Sensing and one support person. It supports numerous competitive grants and employs between 3-10 grant staff and 2-5 students at any given time. The CGA partners with other GIS faculty across campus including Dr. Leu (geostatistics, ecology, biology), Dr. Hamilton (geography, LCLUC, lidar, deforestation), Dr. Hancock (geology, river processes, erosion), Dr. Hendrix (government, peace studies) and numerous other faculty and staff that incorporate GIS into their research and teaching. We have a 14-seat GIS lab housed in a 2000ft2 purpose built teaching and researching facility housed within Swem Library. We provide access to all common GIS & RS software packages as well as providing support for those who prefer to utilize open-source alternatives. 0
Southwest Texas State University Texas State Geography - Sharing the Spirit of Geography 1
Sam Houston State University The Texas Research Institute for Environmental Studies (TRIES) was established in 1991 to meet the growing need for environmental education, to expand the scope of examination of environmental issues, and to make comprehensive environmental databases readily accessible to all interested groups. 6
University of California, Berkeley College of Environmental Design 1
University of East Anglia Geographical Information Systems at the School of Environmental Sciences 0
University of Massachusetts Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning - Our mission is to educate planners and landscape architects about planning and design policies, concepts and practices that meet human, social and economic needs while respecting the ecological integrity of the environment. 3
University at Buffalo Geographic Information and Analysis Lab 1
University of Illinois The GMS Lab is involved in the design and development of advanced tools for geographical modeling in a variety of environmental systems. 1
Charles R. Drew University Medical Geography and Health GIS research laboratory affiliated with an urban Medical School 1
University of Maine MS and PhD research in Spatial Information Science and Engineering. See recent thesis topics at the link at left or the department at http://spatial.maine.edu 4
Austin State University HUES GIS LAB - Our goal is to promote student development in the science of geographic analysis by providing an atmosphere that allows for personal growth and development. As students become familiar with both the software and the concepts that can be deduced from their use, independent programs are encouraged that will challenge the student to encompass their major or minor discipline. 9
ITC The International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) is the largest institute for international higher education in the Netherlands. It provides international education, research and project services in the field of geo-information science and earth observation using remote sensing and GIS. The aim of ITC's activities is the international exchange of knowledge, focusing on capacity building and institutional development in countries that are economically and/or technologically less advanced. 8
Indiana University Support for use of GIS and remote sensing software usage at IU and administration of the Indiana Spatial Data Portal website (www.indiana.edu/~gisdata). 2
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Geomatics 1
Tennessee State University Geographic Information Sciences Laboratory 1
California State University San Bernardino Water Resources Institute 5
North Carolina Central University Geography and Earth Sciences 3
University of New Mexico The Division of Government Research (DGR) was established at UNM in 1946. DGR was originally part of the Department of Government (PoliticalScience). DGR used to be an organization that conducted research related to governmental issues and published associated monographs. 1
University of South Carolina Geographic Information Science - This site provides information for faculty, staff and students of the University of South Carolina (USC) on geographic information science and related disciplines. 3
University of Minnesota Professional Master of Geographic Information Science 6
khaje nasir Toosi research about Geodesy & Geomatics subjects 1
Glasgow Taught degrees in Geomatics: BSc in Geographic Information and Mapping Sciences (formerly Topographic Science) and MSc in Geoinformation Technology & Cartography, both fully RICS accredited Research degrees in Geomatics: MSc and PhD 2
Cornell University Cornell Theory Center (CTC) - Printing digital images using small, colored particles as ink is a multibillion dollar industry. Researchers at NexPress Solutions, Inc, a Kodak company, have developed a model for digital printing using small toner particles that allows process parameters to be changed in controlled simulations to illustrate specific cause and effect relationships important to the production of images. 1
Florida State University GIS/Technical Assistance Program (GIS/TAP) - FREAC's Technical Assistance Program offers computer-related services for resource management. Emphasis is primarily on GIS for land and natural resources management, environmental analysis and protection, growth management, and redistricting. 6
University of Illinois GIS and Spatial Analysis in Public and Veterinary Health 10
University of Southampton Research, Communication and Management for a Sustainable Environment and Society 4
Australian National University BioInformatics Facility researches both molecular bioinformatics and biodiversity informatics. 5
Central Washington University Department of Geography and Land Studies 4
Hebrew University of Jerusalem In 1994 an inter-disciplinary GIS center has been established in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The main goal of this center is to promote education and research based on GIS technology in the Hebrew University. 1
Virginia Tech Department of Geography 10
University of California, Berkeley The Geographic Information Science Center (GISC) of UC Berkeley and French Centre Nationale de Recherches Scientifiques (CNRS) received a grant from France-Berkeley Fund, Institute of European Studies at the University of California, Berkeley for a research project entitled "A Boundary Generation System for Landscape Characterization". 0
Florida Atlantic University The Department of Urban & Regional Planning's Visual Planning Technology Lab (VPT) empowers graduate students, educators, researchers, and planning professionals with the latest in computer graphics and spatial modeling/analysis. 2
Linköping University, Sweden Master's Programme in Geoinformatics 7
Ohio State University The Department of Geography - Internationally recognized as one of the top Geography programs in the nation for undergraduate and graduate studies. 0
University of California, Berkeley REGIS - The mission of our research program is to develop GIS tools and apply them in environmental planning, management, research, and teaching. REGIS supports open computing hardware architecture, public-domain GIS software, and open access to digital information on the environment and land use. 1
St. Cloud State University The Spatial Analysis Research Center ( SARC ) at St. Cloud State University in St. Cloud, Minnesota is the leading provider of geo-spatial technology education in the upper Midwest. 1
San Francisco State University The Institute for Geographic Information Science (IGISc is the center for geospatial research at San Francisco State University. The Institute continues to focus on applying state-of-the-art information technology to pressing interdisciplinary data, information, and research. The IGISc works at the intersection of the social, natural, and information sciences, and specializes in on-line data and information management, spatial data integration and training, and interdisciplinary research. 17
University of California, Davis Interactive California Environmental Management, Assessment, and Planning System - This system uses several Web techniques that allow you to query the GIS system and databases here at ICE. The results include maps and hyper-links to other sources of information related to your choices. 2
City University, London Masters in Geographic Information Systems (full time/ part time, and face-to-face or distance) Masters in Geographic Information Management (full time/ part time, and face-to-face or distance) 10
Northern Illinois University Department of Geography -- with programs in geography and meteorology, an Undergraduate certificate in GIS, and a Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Analysis 3
University of Pennslyvania The MUSA (Master of Urban Spatial Analytics) degree is a ONE YEAR masters program coupling spatial analysis skills-most notably Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-with substantive knowledge in an urban content area of the student's choosing. These include: criminology, design, economic and community development, education, local and state government, public health, real estate, urban land use planning, social welfare, transportation, and urban demography. While there are many university and college programs offering certificates in GIS, Penn is only U.S. university to integrate spatial analysis with multiple disciplines. 1
Murray State University The Murray State University Board of Regents approved the establishment of the Mid-America Remote Sensing Center (MARC) in 1979. MARC is administered through the Office of the Dean of the College of Science. MARC provides facilities for formal education related to programs at Murray State which utilize remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies. Technological assistance is offered to the public and private sectors in addition to research conducted by faculty, staff, and students. Teaching, research, and service activities have been conducted at the local, regional, national, and international levels through formal courses, seminars, research projects, and assistance to public and private entities. 4
University of Urbino LINEE - Lab of INformation Tech. for Earth and Environment is a laboratory where a team of researchers looks for new ideas and solutions in understanding and managing the Environment by the mean of advanced information technology tools. G.I.S. and 3D Modelling applied to Earth Sciences are the main activities of this lab. Last work: develop,enf of a field GIS sw - MapIT (see: http://www.uniurb.it/ISDA/MAPIT/index.htm) 7
Mount Allison University Geography Department By means of a system of intensive semester length courses covering both Human and Physical Geography, programme at Mount Allison aims to expose students to the approaches and substance of the academic discipline of Geography. Teaching approaches integrate lab work, field study, library and archival searching, as well as the employment of computer technologies as research tools. One of the three techniques courses for Geography students surveys several aspects of traditional cartography, examines one or more evolving Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in our new state of the art Geospatial Lab, and explores the role of maps in conveying geographic information. The objective of the course is to introduce basic cartographic conventions and theory and develop practical skills in the use of Geographic Information Systems. 2
University of Edinburgh MSc in Geographical Information Science 7
Dokuz Eylul University - Turkey Master in Geographical Information System Ph.D. on Geographical Information System DEUCBS Geographical Infotmation Systems R&D Lab. 3
UNiversity of Salzburg Overview The UNIGIS Masters of Science (MSc) programme provides an understanding of the conceptual, technical, and organisational aspects of GIScience (GISc). It facilitates career advancement through a postgraduate academic degree. Targeting working professionals, this programme will graduate students qualified as a project, team or department leader. Format MSc(GIS) is an in-service online distance learning postgraduate course leading to an academic degree. The programme is designed to be completed in two years with a weekly workload of minimum 12 -15 hours. 120 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) points are awarded for all the coursework with ECTS points defined by the Curriculum. Participation in residential workshops is strongly encouraged. Qualification Upon completion of all components of the course the academic degree Master of Science (Geographic Information Science & Systems) – MSc(GIS) will be awarded by Salzburg University 10
University of Salzburg Centre for GeoInformatics Salzburg - Z_GIS is an interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence at the University of Salzburg. Founded 1988 within the Department of Geography, Z_GIS evolved into an interdepartmental advanced research and postgraduate education unit with worldwide ties to academia and industry. 1
Duke University The Landscape Ecology Laboratory at Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences integrates field studies, geographic information systems, remote sensing, spatial statistics and simulation modeling in a synthetic approach to environmental analysis and problem-solving at large spatial scales. 4
Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Earth Resources Laboratory (ERL) is one of the premier research laboratories in the world in the areas of applied geophysics and quantitative geology. The Lab seeks to study the spatial heterogeneity of the earth's upper crust through geophysical imaging, geological process modeling, and the interactions between rock pore systems and migrating fluids. 5
York University GeoICT Lab is established to advance the development of innovative geospatial information and communication technology, and integrate geomatics and ICT technologies for innovative spatial applications. GeoICT Lab is funded by the Canada Research Chair program, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Ontario Innovation Trust and York University 2
University of South Carolina The Center for GIS and Remote Sensing was formed in 2000 by combining the campuswide GIS support program and the campus UCGIS initiative, coordinated under Dr. David J. Cowen, the NASA Affiliated Research Center headed by Dr. John R. Jensen and the GIS and remote-sensing research of Dr. Michael E. Hodgson. These research activities of these core faculty form the backbone of the Center. 2
Boston University The Department of Geography at Boston University offers a strong basic training that emphasizes traditional geographic theory, quantitative techniques, and environmental and policy studies. 19
Carnegie Mellon University The Digital Mapping Laboratory (MAPSLab) is situated in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University. Our research projects have focused on the use of knowledge-intensive techniques for the detailed analysis of remotely sensed imagery. Our research has had a fairly broad scope, ranging from new theories applied to low-level vision (e.g., stereo matching and scene registration), to systems for cartographic feature analysis (e.g., buildings, roads, airports), to addressing general issues in information fusion using multiple cooperative methods as well as across multiple sensors. 11
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Ancient World Mapping Center - The Ancient World Mapping Center exists to promote cartography and geographic information science as essential disciplines within the field of ancient studies. The staff and affiliates of the Center work to advance the study of the ancient world through innovative and collaborative research, teaching, and community outreach activities using cartography, geographic information science, and historical geography. 1
University of Denver Geographic Technology Application Center (GTAC) GTAC’s mission is to bring expertise to the global market-place through workshops, technical assistance, spatial data warehousing, idea incubation, and spatial information and knowledge management. 1
Universiti Laval The Research Center for Geomatics - Formed in 1989 from the fusion of six complementary laboratories (geodesy, photogrammetry, cartography, land law, remote sensing, geographic information systems) the CRG was formally recognised by Laval University in 1992 and has benefited from the support of FCAR (a Quebec-based granting agency for research in the natural and applied sciences) since 1995. 1
University College London UCL Geomatic Engineering -Geomatic Engineering is the field of activity that integrates the acquisition, processing, analysis, display and management of spatial information. It includes, but is not limited to, the new and traditional disciplines of photogrammetry and remote sensing, land and engineering surveying, geographic information systems, cartography, geodesy, hydrography, cadastral surveying, land information. 2
University of Alberta Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - The Department is unique on the Canadian scene in that it offers an interdisciplinary approach to atmospheric science, geography, and geology. 1
Oregon State University Geographic Information Science certificate programs at undergrad, grad, and professional levels B.S., M.S., Ph.D. degrees with GIS components Member of University Consortium for Geographic Information Science ESRI and Intergraph GeoMedia Site Licenses 1
West Virginia University West Virginia State GIS Technical Center MISSION: To provide focus, direction and leadership to users of geographic information systems (GIS), digital mapping and remote sensing within the State of West Virginia OBJECTIVES: Reduce the duplication of data development efforts among organizations Catalog and distribute GIS spatial data and information free-of-charge through the Internet Coordinate acquisition of new data additions to the West Virginia Spatial Data Infrastructure Assist with strategic planning, development and implementation of statewide mapping guidelines Provide advisory services and training programs in the field of geographic information science Conduct research and provide education towards improvement of geographic information technologies 2
Rutgers University Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis (CRSSA) - Since 1989, the Grant F. Walton Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis (CRSSA) has been located in a dedicated two-story section of the Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences building on the Cook College campus of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. CRSSA provides students, faculty, staff, and other researchers with state-of-the-art facilities for remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) teaching and research. 3
University of Florida GeoPlan, the Geo-Facilities Planning and Information Research Center, was established in 1984 at the University of Florida's College of Design Construction and Planning as a response to the need for a teaching and research environment in Geographic Information Systems, or GIS. 1
University of Wisconsin-Madison Land Information and Computer Graphics Facility - The overall mission of the Land Information and Computer Graphics Facility (LICGF) is to provide research, training, and outreach in the use of land and geographic information systems (LIS/GIS). 2
The University 0f Arizona Advanced Resource Technologies 7
Texas Christian University We train students on the ESRI's ArcGIS, and GIS for the Macs. GIS is being used in hydrologic, environmental, and resources mapping. Courses include: Introduction to GIS, Advanced GIS (programming), and Geostatistics (spatial regression, and kriging). 6
Jagiellonian University in Krakow All of GIS courses are distinguished by the emphasis placed on a supervised lab work, application-based, with a extensive theoretical background. The objective is to achieve a balance between theory and practice, and produce a graduate who is able to provide a variety of professional GIS services and supervise a GIS project at every stage. Graduates can also proceed to research studies and advanced degrees. Courses in the GIS Lab are part of the graduate curriculum at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University. Specialization tracks - geographical information systems YEAR Obligatory courses Other courses IV-V Elective courses Elective courses IV GIS II Elective courses III Advanced Field Classes in GIS 3602 Elective courses GIS in Environmental Research 2310 GIS Workshops 2303 II Field Classes in Landscape Ecology 1307 Elective courses GIS 2301 (0018) 3
Total 67 links listed (include in sub-categories).
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