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Aerial Photography Since the expansion of commercial aerial photography in the 1940s, aerial surveys have become an integral part of modern mapping technology, in large part replacing extensive surveys in the field. With current digital mapping capabilities, acquiring fast, accurate imagery for the development of maps is now not only essential, but cost-effective. Whether you need to update your mapping for a proposed highway system, a wetlands study, or tax assessment, you face the challenge of choosing the best technology and service for your investment. What are the best tools and methods of aerial photography, and how do you obtain low-cost, high-quality service? 64
AIDS Data Animation Project   6
Alaska FGDC The mission of the Alaska Science Center is to provide objective and timely data, information, and research findings about the earth and its flora and fauna to Federal, State, and local resource managers and the public to support sound decisions regarding natural resources, natural hazards, and ecosystems in Alaska and circumpolar regions. Combine and enhance the Center's diverse science programs, capabilities, and talents and increase customer involvement to strengthen the Center's scientific leadership and contribution to the resolution of complex natural resource issues and natural hazards assessments. 4
Arizona Geographic Information Council The Arizona Geographic Information Council (AGIC) was established by Executive Order 89-24 as Arizona's primary forum and oversight group for geographic information and geographic information technology issues and coordination efforts. AGIC identifies standards, development and implementation strategies to provide a framework in order to optimize the State's investment in geographic data and technology. Through cooperation and partnerships AGIC facilitates the acquisition, exchange and management of geographic information and technology for the State of Arizona to benefit state agencies and the Arizona GIS community. AGIC meets on a regular basis and conducts an Annual GIS Conference to address and coordinate statewide geographic information and technology issues, requirements and solutions. 10
Asia - ECO LINK on the Web - EcoAsia 16
Atlas, the Louisiana Statewide GIS This section of the Atlas website is dedicated to information about Atlas itself and its data. To the left is a menu divided into three main sections: Atlas, News, and Data.*Contents You are reading it! Access Displays the access policy for Atlas At A Glance Tells a little of the history of Atlas. Awards Lets Atlas brag a bit. 6
Australia - ANZLIC ANZLIC is the peak council for public sector spatial data management in Australia and New Zealand.Many activities of government and the community depend on accurate and current information relating to land. It has become increasingly obvious that in order to achieve a widening range of objectives, land and geographic information must be readily available to different spheres of government and the private sector for analysis and integration. In particular, it has been realised that issues such as land resource management, environmental monitoring and economic development require land and geographic information from both the public and private sectors. 9
Australia - Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies (CRES) Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies (CRES) at Australian National University Canberra, Australia. A topographic and climate database for Africa has been developed here. These data were created using spatial analysis and interpolation techniques developed by CRES. Software, metadata and data, plus DEMs are available on this site. 11
Australian Geological Survey Applying Geoscience to Australia's Most Important Challenges 1
Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) Differential Global Positioning System Service (DGPS) - Site includes coverage map of range of DGPS, accuracy of DGPS Reference Station Antenna Positions, shipping, recreational craft , marine environment protection and current press releases. 2
Austria - CountryWatch The CountryWatch Map Gallery includes two different types of maps: Thematic Maps: Some of these maps have been created from some of the data contained in CountryWatch Data using GIS mapping software. The data sources and definitions for each thematic map are available from the CountryWatch Data section of the website. A small portion of these maps depict global themes in standard (non-GIS) form. The actual themes of the maps range from demographic considerations, such as population density, to economic considerations, such as GDP per capita. 8
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) U.S.A Department of the Interior - Bureau of Land Management Home Page. 13
California - (SF Area) Earthquake Hazard Maps ABAG is committed to enhancing the quality of life in the San Francisco Bay Area by leading the region in advocacy, collaboration, and excellence in planning, research, and member services. 7
California - San Diego The City of San Diego is seeking three Public Members for its Audit Committee following voter approval of Proposition C in June 2008. 4
California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) The California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) includes the statewide Historical Resources Inventory (HRI) database maintained by OHP and the records maintained and managed, under contract, by twelve independent regional Information Centers (ICs). 19
California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) The California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) includes the statewide Historical Resources Inventory (HRI) database maintained by OHP and the records maintained and managed, under contract, by twelve independent regional Information Centers (ICs). 1
Cambridge Water System Water is a finite resource, and in many areas, future water supplies are uncertain. Individuals are usually aware when there is a drought, however, because water is inexpensive, there are often few incentives to reduce water loss. Water has no viable substitutes, and its depletion bodes profound economic and social impacts. Citizens and utilities need to consider water conservation programs. 7
Cambridge, Massachusetts Community Preservation Act Public Meetings Sept. 3 & 9, Swiss Beach Day at the Charles Sunday, Sept. 7, 2-5pm Weeks Footbridge, Sept. 16 State Primary Information, Danehy Park Family Day Saturday, Sept. 20, Nominate Cambridge Prevention Leaders of 2008. 2
Canada - GeoBase GeoBase is a federal, provincial and territorial government initiative that is overseen by the Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG). It is undertaken to ensure the provision of, and access to, a common, up-to-date and maintained base of quality geospatial data for all of Canada. Through the GeoBase portal, users with an interest in the field of geomatics have access to quality geospatial information at no cost and with unrestricted use. 5
Canada - The Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program In 1962 BC Hydro was created by the Province in part to develop hydroelectric and water storage projects under the terms of the international Columbia River Treaty. Some impacts from the construction of dams in the Canadian portion of the Columbia River Basin became evident right away. For example, flooding and the creation of reservoirs had an immediate impact on the availability of suitable habitat for a variety of fish and wildlife species. Other impacts took years to become obvious. For example, decreased productivity in Kootenay Lake and the Arrow Lakes Reservoir occurred when nutrients were trapped upstream by dams. The change in the food web was a key factor in declining kokanee populations. 4
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing is the government of Canada's centre of expertise for space-based remote sensing science and technology; supporting the use of Earth observation data and information for over 30 years. 9
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) The Central Intelligence Agency was created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act by President Harry S. Truman. The act also created a Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) to serve as head of the United States intelligence community; act as the principal adviser to the President for intelligence matters related to the national security; and serve as head of the Central Intelligence Agency 6
CIA Publications Homepage includes, The World Factbook, World Leaders, CIA Maps & Publications, etc. 9
Compute Against Cancer Since 2001, Parabon Computation has sponsored the Compute Against Cancer Network, a philanthropic campaign that provides Parabon's Computation on DemandSM service to non-profit oncology researchers for free 2
Connecticut - DEP - Environmental and Geograhic Information Center Founded in 1971, the mission of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is to conserve, improve and protect the natural resources and environment of the State of Connecticut in such a manner as to encourage the social and economic development of Connecticut while preserving the natural environment and the life forms it supports in a delicate, interrelated and complex balance, to the end that the state may fulfill its responsibility as trustee of the environment for present and future generations. 40
County Auditors Association of Ohio The Association was formed in 1867 for the express purpose of promoting and protecting the interests of taxpayers in the State of Ohio and improving the administration of county government. In addition to providing educational opportunities to County Auditors, the CAAO works closely with the Ohio General Assembly to offer legislation to assist County Auditors in carrying out their duties. 1
Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health and the environment. 1
EPA National library database The EPA National Library Network provides access to information about the environment and related scientific, technical, management, and policy information. 4
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) is an interagency committee that promotes the coordinated development, use, sharing, and dissemination of geospatial data on a national basis. 11
Finland - Finnish Geodetic Institute The Finnish Geodetic Institute is a research institute specializing in geodesy and geospatial information science and technology. The FGI is an innovative and flexible operator with good cooperation skills and high expertise in geospatial information. The FGI carries out national and international research and conducts scientific observations in collaboration with academia, public-sector bodies and the geospatial business sector in Finland and elsewhere in Europe. 6
Fitchburg, Massachusetts The City of Fitchburg is a community of about 40,000 people located in north-central Worcester County. Despite being one of the largest cities in the county, Fitchburg retains its small town flavor. Fitchburg is noted for its old mills that line the Nashua River, its hilly topography and regional parks and its tightly knit neighborhood enclaves that, in many cases, still retain their ethnic identity. Among the city's cultural assets are the Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg State College and the world famous annual Longsjo Classic bicycle race. 5
Florida Dept. of Environment Protection The Land Boundary Information System (LABINS) began in 1984 as a means for distributing survey-related data that is maintained and managed by federal and state agencies to the general surveying community. The original system was on main-frame computers that used dial-in modems for communications. 9
Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) The organization's inception as AM/FM International, GITA has attracted a large number of professionals from a broad cross section of industries. GITA members represent a core of the nation's infrastructure leaders who will ultimately be the leaders in the growing application of geospatial information and technology to address our nation's growing infrastructure needs. 6
Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) The organization's inception as AM/FM International, GITA has attracted a large number of professionals from a broad cross section of industries. GITA members represent a core of the nation's infrastructure leaders who will ultimately be the leaders in the growing application of geospatial information and technology to address our nation's growing infrastructure needs. 5
Germany - Deutsches Klimarechenzentr um Twenty years ago, the German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ) was founded. It provides computing resources to run numerical earth system models to simulate climate and climate change. At its 20th anniversary, the institute receives funding of approximately 60 million euro for a new building and a new supercomputer system. Both will help to maintain the high quality of German climate research in the future. 1
Global - European Union Map Resources on the Web This page is designed to give a basic introduction to the various types of European map resources that are available on the web. Examples will come from various types of European government agencies. Most of these sites have English versions, however some do not. 7
Global - U.S. Air Force Space Command web site Over the course of the last fiscal year, the 21 CONS executed more than 2,600 contracting actions and spent over $532 million dollars supplying the war fighters here at Peterson AFB and around the world. 3
Global - UTK Map Library Links for various countries In 1989, the University Libraries took over administrative control of the collection. This meant a dedicated staff and a collection development budget were provided for the Map Library. The physical transfer of the collection was made easier by the existing organization established and maintained by the Department of Geography. Once the move into a 7,000 square foot facility was complete, the University Libraries had a new branch . . . the UT Map Library. 1
Global Grid Forum OGF is an open community committed to driving the rapid evolution and adoption of applied distributed computing. Applied Distributed Computing is critical to developing new, innovative and scalable applications and infrastructures that are essential to productivity in the enterprise and within the science community. OGF accomplishes its work through open forums that build the community, explore trends, share best practices and consolidate these best practices into standards. 3
Illinois - City of Chicago GIS The City of chicago leverages Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to better manage and analyze operations related to citizen services and physical infrastructure in the City. 33
Illinois - Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center The majority of our ecological research is conducted in support of Department of the Interior issues and lands in the Upper Midwest. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) links its research closely with other U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science centers to broadly address ecological and population concerns throughout the Nation's heartland. 5
Illinois Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Access Illinois GIS data sets and documentation (metadata) for ArcIMS Interactive Map Services, USGS digital topographic maps, aerial photography, orthoimagery, orthophotography, geology, land use, natural resources, and infrastructure. Illinois data sets and map data layers are available for download free of charge. 13
Illinois Natural History Survey GIS Since 1858, the Illinois Natural History Survey has been the guardian and recorder of the biological resources of Illinois---the state's biological memory. With a staff of over 200 scientists and technicians, it is recognized as the premier natural history survey in the nation. Over the years, its mission has remained fairly constant: to investigate the diversity, life histories, and ecology of the plants and animals of the state; to publish research results so that those resources can be managed wisely; and to provide information to the public in order to foster an understanding and appreciation of our natural heritage. 4
Indiana - Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center The majority of our ecological research is conducted in support of Department of the Interior issues and lands in the Upper Midwest. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) links its research closely with other U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science centers to broadly address ecological and population concerns throughout the Nation's heartland. 2 The Nation's Invasive Species Information System The National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC) was established in 2005 at the National Agricultural Library to meet the information needs of users including the National Invasive Species Council (Council). 1
Iowa - Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center The majority of our ecological research is conducted in support of Department of the Interior issues and lands in the Upper Midwest. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) links its research closely with other U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science centers to broadly address ecological and population concerns throughout the Nation's heartland. 1
Iowa Department of Human Rights The Iowa Department of Human Rights embraces the concept that every person should be treated with dignity and respect, and that we should uphold the most fundamental human courtesies toward one another. It is with this premise that we will continue our efforts to ensure that every Iowan is equally protected and respected. 2
Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is the government agency that leads Iowans in caring for their natural resources. It is responsible for maintaining state parks and forests, protecting the environment, and managing energy, fish, wildlife, and land and water resources in Iowa. 2
Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) is a New Zealand government department responsible for land titles, geodetic and cadastral survey systems, topographic information, hydrographic information, managing Crown property and a variety of other functions. 3
Malaysian Department of Surveying and Mapping To enhance quality in surveying and mapping services along with managing the geospatial through an excellent system with competent human resources and conducive working environment. 7
Metadata A metadata record is a file of information, usually presented as an XML document, which captures the basic characteristics of a data or information resource. 9
Mexico - INEGI - Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geograficay Informatica Actualización del Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales, II Conteo de Población y Vivienda 2005, Banco de Información Económica (BIE), Base de datos de la estadísticas de transporte de América del Norte (BD-ETAN), Consulta interactiva de datos, Numeralia, Regiones socioeconómicas de México, Sistema de consulta de los Censos, Económicos 2004 and Sistema de Indicadores para el Seguimiento de la Situación de la Mujer en México (SISESIM). 17
Minnesota - Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center The majority of our ecological research is conducted in support of Department of the Interior issues and lands in the Upper Midwest. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) links its research closely with other U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science centers to broadly address ecological and population concerns throughout the Nation's heartland. 1
Mississippi Automated Resource Information System (MARIS) WELCOME to the Mississippi Automated Resource Information System (MARIS) Technical Center website, providing access to Mississippi's statewide geographic information system (GIS). Through this site we offer you access to a range of resources, including:
  • search and retrieval of data descriptions (metadata)
  • retrieval of Mississippi data sets
  • posting of news related to GIS developmens
  • announcements of upcoming meetings and event
Missouri - Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center The majority of our ecological research is conducted in support of Department of the Interior issues and lands in the Upper Midwest. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) links its research closely with other U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science centers to broadly address ecological and population concerns throughout the Nation's heartland. 0
Missouri - Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center The majority of our ecological research is conducted in support of Department of the Interior issues and lands in the Upper Midwest. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) links its research closely with other U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science centers to broadly address ecological and population concerns throughout the Nation's heartland. 4
National Hydrographic Database (NHD) program The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a comprehensive set of digital spatial data that contains information about surface water features such as lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, springs and wells. 8
National Land Survey of Finland The roots of Finnish land survey go back to the 17th century, when the open field system was used to divide arable land. In 1633, Queen Christina ordered land survey to be conducted and cadastral maps to be drawn to facilitate taxation in Sweden. Take a Journey with the Experts to learn more about the first land surveyor, the hard discipline of the map room, and the peculiar tools used by aerial photographers in the 1950s. 7
National Land Survey of Iceland The National Land Survey of Iceland sells digital data on Iceland and digital aerial photos. As of January 1, 2007 the institute does not sell printed maps due to changes in the law. Please contact for printed maps. 6
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) The National Geospatial Program provides leadership for USGS geospatial coordination, production and service activities. The Program engages partners to develop standards and produce consistent and accurate data through its Geospatial Liaison Network. Operational support is provided by the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center. 1
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) -- Consistent means to share geographic data among all users could produce significant savings for data collection and use and enhance decision making. 2
Nevada Bureau of Mines There are three files for each of the 68 30x60' quadrangles in Nevada: an Image file (*.tif), a World file (*.tfw), and a Metadata file (*.fgd). The Image file can be opened in Adobe Illustrator 7.0 and the Image file with the World file can be opened in Arcview. You should download the World file to the same directory as the Image file. 4
New Jersey - Department of Environmental Protection At historic Batsto Village in Wharton State Forest, visitors can use their cell phones to hear a guided tour of various sites and buildings such as the blacksmith shop, gristmill and sawmill. Listed on the New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places, the village includes Batsto Mansion, which is currently closed for restoration. 2
New York State GIS Clearinghous "From December 2007 through March 2008, a free 3-hour workshop was offered in nine locations across New York State with more than 450 individuals from State and local government attending. Training materials can be viewed on-line, or you can download a copy of the Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation that was used during the workshop." 13
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory PNNL is one of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) ten national laboratories, managed by DOE's Office of Science. PNNL also performs research for other DOE offices as well as government agencies, universities, and industry to deliver breakthrough science and technology to meet today's key national nee 6
SETI @ home SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, is an exploratory science that seeks evidence of life in the universe by looking for some signature of its technology. Our current understanding of life’s origin on Earth suggests that given a suitable environment and sufficient time, life will develop on other planets. 3
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission - The Mission to Map the World The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) obtained elevation data on a near-global scale to generate the most complete high-resolution digital topographic database of Earth. 10
South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources It's not overfishing or loss of habitat that has biologists concerned about native redeye bass status, but rather its interaction with a closely related species, Alabama spotted bass. The Alabama spotted bass has spread throughout the upper Savannah system of reservoirs and is now present in Lakes Jocassee, Keowee, Hartwell and Russell. 3
State of Kentucky The Commonwealth of Kentucky through the Commonwealth Office of Technology, the Division of Geographic Information (DGI) combined with organizations like the Kentucky Geospatial Board has made available a wealth of GIS-related information, data sets and maps. 3
Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) Kiruna Division IRF was originally named the Kiruna Geophysical Observatory (KGO), and was established in 1957 by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In 1973 KGO became an independent research institute, and was renamed the Kiruna Geophysical Institute (KGI). KGI was renamed the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (Institutet för rymdfysik, IRF) in 1987. 4
Swedish National Space Board The Swedish National Space Board, SNSB, is a central governmental agency under the Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communication. SNSB is responsible for national and international activities relating to space and remote sensing, primarily research and development. 1
Swedish National Space Board The Swedish National Space Board (SNSB) is a central governmental agency under the Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communication. SNSB is responsible for national and international space efforts, primarily research and development. Basic research is financed via the Ministry of Education and Science. The technical implementation of the national space programme is mainly contracted by SNSB to the state-owned Swedish Space Corporation (SSC). 1
Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) The Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) is a comprehensive space company covering the entire field, from the definition of innovative business concepts and space projects to the development, tests and operation of the systems. 1
Swiss Federal Office of Topography (Bundesamt fur Landestopographie), Wabern, Switzerland swisstopo is the competence centre of the Swiss Confederation responsible for geographical reference data and all products derived from them. swisstopo’s National Map series also enjoys international recognition. 7
Thailand Environment Institute Established in May 1993, the Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization focusing on environmental issues and the conservation of natural resources in Thailand, Regional and Global levels. 4
The District of Columbia, Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) The mission of the DC Geographic Information System (DC GIS) is to improve the quality and lower the cost of services provided by the DC Government, through the District's collective investment and effective application of geospatial data and systems. Furthermore, DC GIS will reach beyond the DC Government by continuing to make DC GIS data freely and publicly available to the fullest extent possible in consideration of privacy and security. 1
The Netherlands - Utrecht Cartography Dissertations The military maps and town plans made during the time of the Dutch Republic (1579-1795) which form the subject of this study, were primarily made by military engineers in the service of the army of the seven provinces. Their job consisted both in the construction and maintenance of fortifications and lines of defence, and in carrying out siege-operations. 4
U.K. Ordnance Survey (OS) Ordnance Survey is Great Britain's national mapping agency, providing the most accurate and up-to-date geographic data, relied on by government, business and individuals. 5
USDA -- Forest Service The Forest Service was established in 1905 and is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Forest Service manages public lands in national forests and grasslands, which encompass 193 million acres. 7
Utah AGRC The Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC) provides a wide range of Geographic Information System (GIS) support to the State of Utah. AGRC strives to facilitate coordination among Utah GIS users and effective, efficient use of GIS resources. Other services include stewardship of the State Geographic Information Database (SGID), facilitation of programs and activities to implement GIS technology across the state, and coordination of GIS policy development and implementation activities. AGRC also provides consulting services to federal, state, and local government and other organizations, including GIS analysis and application development, GIS training courses, and Internet Map Service development and hosting. 7
Vermont Center for Geographic Information A clearinghouse of information for planning commissions, zoning boards, development review boards, and their staff and all others involved in land use planning and regulation in Vermont. 5
Virginia Geographic Information Network The Integrated Services Program (ISP) was established in the Information Technology Investment and Enterprise Services (ITI&ES) of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) on May 15, 2006 at the direction of the Chief Information Officer (CIO). The ISP is the consolidation of the Public Safety Communications (PSC) and the Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) Divisions as well as the Radio Engineering function of the previous Telecommunications Directorate. The goal of this reorganization is to leverage existing services and expand services to localities and public safety, more generally, to further the mission and vision of VITA. 15
Washington - King County GIS Center The King County Geographic Information System (KCGIS) is a coordinated regional geographic information resource that meets the business needs of King County, local agencies, and the general public. KCGIS comprises centrally managed core GIS resources, as well as GIS activity that is distributed across twelve county departments and related to the business activities of the agencies within those departments. 10
Wisconsin - Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center The majority of our ecological research is conducted in support of Department of the Interior issues and lands in the Upper Midwest. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) links its research closely with other U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science centers to broadly address ecological and population concerns throughout the Nation's heartland. 3
Total 84 links listed (include in sub-categories).
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