48th Design Automation Conference (DAC) Issues Call for Contributions
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48th Design Automation Conference (DAC) Issues Call for Contributions

First deadline: October 19, 2010

LOUISVILLE, Colo. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — October 5, 2010 — The Design Automation Conference (DAC), the premier conference devoted to design and design automation of electronic systems (EDA), is seeking submissions that deal with tools, algorithms, EDA tool usage and design technologies for all aspects of electronic circuit, system, and embedded design for DAC 2011. In addition to conventional EDA topics, DAC 2011 invites submissions on Embedded Systems and Embedded Software topics. DAC 2011 also invites participation in various other EDA-related categories. This includes User Track submissions, Wild and Crazy ideas (WACI) submissions, Special Session, Panel and Tutorial proposals and co-located events.

New for 2011 is a strong focus on Embedded Systems and Software. Authors of Research Papers on all aspects of Embedded Systems and Software are specifically encouraged to submit their work to DAC 2011. Also new for 2011 is that select authors of submitted DAC papers that are not accepted for publication in 2011 will be invited in mid-February 2011 to participate in  “Work-In-Progress” (WIP) poster sessions.

The 48th DAC will be held at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California, from June 5-10, 2011. Submission criteria and topics – including new cross-cutting topics that include low power, 3-D, and reliability – are outlined briefly below.

All submission information and topic details can be found at: http://www2.dac.com/48th+call+for+contributions.aspx

Research Papers

DUE BEFORE 5:00pm MT, November 18, 2010

A DAC Research Paper explores a specific technology problem and proposes a complete solution to it, with extensive experimental results. Submission includes a six-page paper and an abstract of approximately 60 words clearly stating the significant contribution, impact, and results of the submission. Select authors of submitted DAC papers that are not accepted for publication in 2011 will be invited in mid-February 2011 to participate in “Work-in-Progress” (WIP) poster sessions. They will be asked to submit a 100-word summary to publish on the website (and not in the proceedings). The authors also will be given the option to post their poster presentation on dac.com.

Embedded Systems and Software Papers (new)

DUE BEFORE 5:00pm MT, November 18, 2010

Authors of Research Papers on all aspects of embedded systems and software are specifically encouraged to submit to this focus call. It is possible to choose a second submission category (both from the regular research topics as well as from the focus embedded topics) to accommodate cross-cutting contributions. Submission requirements are the same as for Research Papers, and authors of papers not accepted again may be invited to participate in poster sessions, as above.

“Work-In-Progress” (WIP) Abstracts (new)

DUE BEFORE 5:00pm MT, March 1, 2011

This track aims to provide authors an opportunity for early feedback on work in progress or to share early results through a poster presentation outlined in a one-page submission that clearly specifies a technical problem, outlines a solution, and provides some early results. A WIP submission will not be included in the DAC proceedings. Therefore WIP presentation at DAC will not be considered as DAC publications, enabling full publication of the work at a later stage. If accepted, the 100-word summary will be placed on the dac.com website and authors will be given the option to place their poster on the web in addition to the 100-word summary. WIP authors are at liberty to submit an extended version of their work to other conferences and to journals without violating common codes of ethics.

User Track Extended Abstracts

DUE BEFORE 5:00pm MT, January 11, 2011

DAC’s User Track addresses the real-life issues facing IC designers, application engineers, and design flow developers. It provides valuable insights and experiences with in-house or commercial EDA tool flows. User Track papers may describe the application of EDA tools to the design of a novel electronic system or the integration of EDA tools within a design flow or methodology to produce such systems. A User Track paper may be problem-specific in scope (e.g., analyzing substrate coupling during floorplanning) or may address a specific application domain (e.g., designing wireless handsets). Initial submissions are in the form of a two-page extended abstract. Final submissions will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. User Track authors will not be required to sign a copyright release form as final submissions will not be published.

“Wild and Crazy Ideas” (WACI) Short Papers

DUE BEFORE 5:00pm MT, November 18, 2010

DAC invites two-page submissions with genuinely forward-looking, radical, and innovative ideas in the area of electronic design or EDA. The WACI sessions feature novel (and even preliminary or unproven) technical ideas, with submissions that follow the rules and deadlines for Research Papers. The aim of WACI is to promote revolutionary and way-out ideas that do not fit the conventional mold, that inspire discussion among conference attendees, that create a buzz, and that get people talking. Research that incrementally improves on prior work is not suited for this category. All WACI accepted papers will be required to post a two-minute video describing the work as part of the acceptance process.

Special Session Proposals

DUE BEFORE 5:00pm MT, October 19, 2010

A special session is devoted to a topic of strong contemporary or future interest which represents an emerging area that does not yet receive sufficient focus from Embedded Systems and Software or Research Papers. Special session proposals must include descriptions of the proposed papers and speakers and the importance of the special session to the DAC audience. A submission must list at least three inspiring speakers who address the topic from different angles. DAC reserves the right to restructure all special session proposals. Particular topics of interest this year include, but are not limited to, embedded systems and software, spintronics, topological insulators for interconnect, and bio-design automation.

Panel and Tutorial Proposals

PANELS DUE BEFORE 5:00pm MT, October 19, 2010

TUTORIALS DUE BEFORE 5:00pm MT, November 1, 2010

Panel and tutorial suggestions should not exceed two pages, should describe the topic and intended audience, and should include a list of suggested participants. Tutorial suggestions must include a bulleted outline of covered topics. DAC reserves the right to restructure all panel and tutorial suggestions.

Workshop Proposals

DUE BEFORE 5:00pm MT, January 20, 2011

DAC invites workshops on topics related to design, design methodologies, and design automation. DAC provides the financial and organizational support, including attendee registration, rooms at the conference center and audio visual equipment.

Proposal for Colocated Events

DUE BEFORE 5:00pm MT, January 20, 2011

DAC invites companies to colocate their conferences, meetings or other special events with DAC. DAC will provide meeting rooms at the conference center at no cost. The event will be financed and otherwise organized by the submitter.

Student Design Contest

DUE BEFORE 5:00pm MT, November 24, 2010

ISSCC and DAC will jointly sponsor the 2011 ISSCC/DAC Student Design Contest. The contest promotes excellence in the design of electronic systems within an academic environment and provides a forum in which undergraduate/ graduate students’ ingenuity can be shared with an audience of academic/ industrial technical experts. The winners will present their designs through a poster at ISSCC 2011 and DAC 2011. Designs can be for analog, digital, MEMS, optics, biological, or programmable circuits and embedded systems/platforms in any of the three categories: operational, system-level, or conceptual.

All submissions must be made electronically through the DAC website at www.dac.com.

About DAC

The Design Automation Conference (DAC) is recognized as the premier event for the design of electronic circuits and systems, and for electronic design automation (EDA) and silicon solutions. Since 1964, a diverse worldwide community of many thousands of professionals has attended DAC. They include system designers and architects, logic and circuit designers, validation engineers, CAD managers, senior managers and executives as well as researchers and academicians from leading universities. Close to 60 technical sessions selected by a committee of electronic design experts offer information on recent developments and trends, management practices and new products, methodologies and technologies. A highlight of DAC is its exhibition and suite area with approximately 200 of the leading and emerging EDA, silicon, intellectual property (IP) and design services providers. The conference is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Electronic Design Automation Consortium (EDA Consortium), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and is supported by ACM's Special Interest Group on Design Automation (ACM SIGDA).

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for Design Automation Conference
Michelle Clancy, 1-303-530-4334
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