1Spatial sponsors AGI GeoCommunity 2009
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1Spatial sponsors AGI GeoCommunity 2009

1Spatial is very pleased to announce that they are both sponsoring and participating in next week's industry-leading AGI GeoCommunity event. In addition to being a Silver Sponsor, 1Spatial is also sponsoring the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Stream for the event, the Association for Geographic Information's annual conference1.

As the only UK technology provider involved in ESDIN, the European Spatial Data Infrastructure best practice Network, and with experience working on infrastructure projects and programmes with customers like the Scottish Government, Land and Property Services Northern Ireland, the National Trust, Transport for London and the Environment Agency of England and Wales, 1Spatial is well placed to share experience and expertise relating to the SDI domain.

There will be two presentations involving 1Spatial staff: 1Spatial will be hosting an exhibition stand where interested parties can come and meet the team, learn more about solutions for data integration, transformation and quality control, as well as view demonstrations of 1Spatial technology in action.

Steven Feldman, Conference Chair said: "With nearly 600 delegates already booked and over 90 conference papers, plenaries, keynotes and workshops, this year's GeoCommunity promises to be the best ever. We are very pleased to have such strong support from industry leading organisations like 1Spatial whose sponsorship endorses GeoCommunity as the leading event in the UK GI calendar."

Steven Ramage, Director of Business Development at 1Spatial added: "This is the most exciting AGI event we have been involved in for a long time. We have a range of solutions available now to help manage spatial data in a number of areas, such as address matching, BLPU extent creation and data sharing. We have also recognised the need to help people get started with some basic data integrity checking and so we are also giving away free copies of Radius Check to people who register at our stand. We are pleased to support this prestigious industry event."

1Spatial will also be at the pre-conference event on the 22nd September that includes an Oracle Spatial Special Interest Group. As one of a very limited number of geospatial organisations that has reached the status of Oracle Certified Partner, 1Spatial will soon be announcing more solutions to help organisations build on their investment in Oracle spatial technologies.

In addition, Duncan Guthrie, Director of Sales from 1Spatial will give a short presentation entitled 'The Language of Business' during the 'Soapbox' session, coming after the first day's papers and before the AGI Party.

AGI GeoCommunity '09 is the 23rd September to 24th September 2009 in Stratford-upon-Avon in England, United Kingdom.

Don't miss the opportunity to get a FREE data integrity checking tool by visiting the 1Spatial stand at AGI GeoCommunity '09.


Notes to Editors
  1. More information can be found here: http://www.agi.org.uk/bfora/systems/xmlviewer/default.asp?arg=DS_AGI_ABOUTART_73/_page.xsl/94

  2. More information can be found here: http://www.1spatial.com/news_events/index.php?events=1154
  3. More information can be found here: http://www.1spatial.com/news_events/index.php?events=1154

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