RIEGL miniVUX-3UAV with RiLOC®-E: Series Production Started

Announced for the first time at Intergeo 2023, RiLOC ® -E gained a lot of interest in the market. RIEGL intensified their efforts in development and after an intensive phase of testing, series production has started. End of June, the first miniVUX-3UAV LiDAR sensors equipped with this new fully integrated subsystem for localization and orientation left the premises in Horn.

“The Business is off to a good start”, confirms Michael Mayer, Managing Director RiCOPTER UAV GmbH, who is responsible for sales and support in that segment. “Often inquiries from the UAV-based laser scanning sector come from beginners, who value the highest data quality but have no big experience in handling data acquisition by drone. With the RIEGL miniVUX-3UAV with RiLOC-E, we offer them now a survey-grade but at the same easy-to-use solution to gain first experience in UAV-based laser scanning. And all this at an excellent cost-benefit ratio.”

Michael Mayer, Managing Director RiCOPTER UAV GmbH, and Philipp Amon, RIEGL ULS Business Division Manager, proudly present the RIEGL miniVUX-3UAV with RiLOC-E

What’s RiLOC®-E?

RiLOC-E is a fully integrated subsystem for localization and orientation ( Localization/ Orientation Component) that is fully integrated to the RIEGL miniVUX-series UAV LiDAR sensors. This special version of the miniVUX-SYS includes a Micro Electromechanical System (MEMS), Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), a GNSS unit, and appropriate software. All components are included in a compact and lightweight housing, that is directly attached to the miniVUX-1UAV and respectively miniVUX-3UAV laser scanner.

“The combination of a miniVUX series LiDAR sensor and the RiLOC-E into a compact complete LiDAR system is the ideal solution for small-scale LiDAR surveying with drones. In such applications, using a nearby local base station ensures the shortest base length and thus maximum accuracy in the georeferencing of the high-precision LiDAR data from the RIEGL miniVUX series LiDAR sensor. A highly efficient and user-oriented data processing and visualization workflow is made possible with the corresponding RIEGL processing software RiPROCESS, which implements innovative measurement and processing routines.”, explains Philipp Amon, RIEGL ULS Business Division Manager.

User-Friendliness First and Foremost

To work out the correct flight path (trajectory) is the essential component in airborne laser scanning and the basis for the exact positioning of individual flight strips. With the RIEGL miniVUX-SYS with RiLOC-E, an initial trajectory is first calculated on the basis of GNSS and base station data. In an innovative evaluation process, the raw data and LiDAR surface comparisons are used to improve the trajectory and refine the recorded LiDAR data. That also allows an optimization of the acquisition time in the air.

As all parameters are set before take-off, the operator can concentrate fully on carrying out a safe flight. No user input is required before starting data acquisition. If necessary, the LiDAR system can be operated completely independently of the UAV platform. The corresponding software ensures largely automated and, above all, prompt processing. If requested, first results can be visualized onsite and allow for an appropriate and immediate response after review.

As the RIEGL miniVUX-SYS with RiLOC-E is very lightweight (just 1.75 kg / 2.2 lbs), integration to a wide range of drones is possible. Another plus point is the simple handling when integrating onto drones. The system can be integrated onto the user's drone directly onsite and configured using the software supplied – a really great relief for worldwide use!

Survey-grade Data Quality – even for Newcomers

The RIEGL miniVUX-SYS with RiLOC-E provides uncomplicated and fast georeferenced data sets at highest quality for a wide range of applications, like corridor mapping and power line monitoring. The workflow for data acquisition and processing has been optimized and enables even newcomers to use the system successfully in the field. Users are able to deliver high-accuracy, highly informative measurement data of the projects in question - also meeting the requirements of high-end customers.

Michael Mayer summarizes, “The RIEGL miniVUX-3UAV laser scanner combined with the RiLOC-E subsystem provides excellent data quality and ease of use. Reliability and longevity are assured by RIEGL’s proven customer support – all in all, an optimal cost/benefit result for users, especially newcomers in UAV-based laser scanning.”

RIEGL miniVUX-3UAV with RiLOC-E in operation fully integrated on a DJI M350 RTK UAV platform

High-accuracy, highly informative scan data:
Left: 3D-colored point cloud, right: 3D point cloud, colored by standard deviation [0.1-3cm]

About  RIEGL

RIEGL is an international leading provider of cutting-edge technology in airborne, mobile, terrestrial, industrial and UAV-based laser scanning solutions for applications in surveying.

RIEGL  has been producing LiDAR systems commercially for over 40 years and focuses on pulsed time-of-flight laser radar technology in multiple wavelengths.

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