WOC Working to Ensure Business Involvement in Major U.N. Ocean Conference
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WOC Working to Ensure Business Involvement in Major U.N. Ocean Conference

World Ocean Council Advancing Industry Engagement in the U.N. Ocean/SDG 14 Conference in June, 2017

March 20, 2017 -- The World Ocean Council (WOC) is working with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and U.N. Global Compact (UNGC) to ensure private sector input and participation in the U.N. Ocean/SDG 14 Conference (U.N. HQ, New York, 5-9 June, 2017).

The conference theme is “Our Oceans, Our Future: Partnering for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14”. SDG 14 addresses the need to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.

The Ocean Conference outputs will be an intergovernmentally agreed "Call for Action" to support the implementation of Goal 14, a report of the partnership dialogues, and a list of voluntary commitments for the implementation of Goal 14.

Following last month’s U.N. Ocean Conference preparatory meeting, a “zero draft” of the Call for Action was made available by the President of the U.N. General Assembly.

Stakeholders are able to provide input until March 24, 2017.

A substantial part of the Ocean Conference in June will consist of “Partnership Dialogue” sessions around the following themes:
1. Addressing marine pollution.
2. Managing, protecting, conserving and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems.
3. Minimizing and addressing ocean acidification.
4. Making fisheries sustainable.
5. Increasing economic benefits to SIDS and LDCs and providing access for small scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets.
6. Increasing scientific knowledge, and developing research capacity and transfer of marine technology.
7. Enhancing the conservation and sustainable use of oceans by implementing international law and the U.N. Law of the Sea.

The WOC is working to identify speakers for each of these Partnership Dialogue sessions, and will be submitting recommendations on the 31 March deadline.

The Ocean Conference encourages “Voluntary Initiatives” - efforts voluntarily undertaken by stakeholders, including the private sector, individually or in partnership, that aim to contribute to SDG 14 implementation. Voluntary commitments can be registered online here. The Guidance Note on Voluntary Commitments for SDG14 is available here.

The Ocean Conference will include the possibility for side events organized by stakeholders. Guidelines and request form for organizers of side events to be held during the Ocean Conference can be found here. Please note that the deadline for side events proposals is 31 March 2017. Companies and industry groups interested in proposing side events are encouraged to contact the WOC.

Companies and industry organizations are encouraged to contact the WOC at info@oceancouncil.org for more information on the U.N. Ocean Conference, including general participation, speakers for the Partnership Dialogue sessions, voluntary commitments and side events.

For more information on the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the opportunities they create for the ocean business community, click here.



Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) 2017: 29 Nov-01 Dec, Halifax, Canada

“The Ocean Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 14): Business Leadership

and Business Opportunities”

The next World Ocean Council Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) will take place in Halifax. Mark your calendars for this unique gathering of the global ocean business community.


Upcoming WOC Outreach and Engagement

23 March

NEW YORK: U.N. High-Level SDG Action Event: Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda (Invited to Speak on behalf of International Chamber of Shipping)

24 March

LONDON: Circular Economy Investment Solutions for the Oceans - UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) / Norton Rose Fulbright (Participant)

27-31 March

LONDON: WMO-IOC JCOMM Ship Opportunities Team - World Meteorological Organization (WMO) - UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) (Invited Speaker)

27 March - 7 April

NEW YORK: U.N. Law of the Sea, BBNJ Preparatory Committee Meeting - Development of an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) (Industry Representative)

About the World Ocean Council (WOC)

The WOC is the only international, cross-sectoral alliance for private sector leadership and collaboration in sustainability, stewardship and science. Companies from a range of industries worldwide are distinguishing themselves as leaders in “Corporate Ocean Responsibility”, including: shipping, oil and gas, tourism, fisheries, aquaculture, mining, renewable energy, ocean technology, investment.
WOC Members are listed here, a part of the WOC Network of 34,000+ ocean industry stakeholders around the world. The WOC is a registered not-for-profit organization in the US and the UK/Europe.


Contact email: info@oceancouncil.org Web: www.oceancouncil.org