What is ISO 37120? The 1st international Standard on city data indicators.



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Stephane Metral | World Council onCity Data Series | December 12th., 2014 | Add me to your network and get a publishing alert for new public releases | Member at Smart Cities Council | Washington | USA

We envision a world where digital technology and intelligent design have been harnessed to create smart, sustainable cities with high-quality living and high-quality jobs.

We promote cities that embody our three core values:

  • Livability: Cities that provide clean, healthy living conditions without pollution and congestion. With a digital infrastructure that makes city services instantly and conveniently available anytime, anywhere.
  • Workability: Cities that provide the enabling infrastructure -- energy, connectivity, computing, essential services -- to compete globally for high-quality jobs.
  • Sustainability: Cities that provide services without stealing from future generations.


Other publication releases:

  1. Benefits of a Multi-channel approach (article & videos)
  2. A kinder, gentler philosophy of success
  3. Firms transformation to a Project-Based Business
  4. Corporations - The rise of e-Learning’s popularity
  5. Identity theft - 101
  6. The power of Tell-A-Story - Persuasion 101
  7. 7 Reasons Why You Absolutely SUCK At Sales & What To Do About It
  8. 12 golden rules to produce a quality content marketing
  9. Where to blog to drive traffic to your posts
  10. BIM awareness, usage, adoption and future plans between 4 countries

I also collaborate for LinkedIn groups and other LinkedIn authors and influencers.


Co-written & published in collaboration of Regional management Process Think Tank:

  1. Produce your infographics yourselves ! DYI 101

  2. Regional Management 101 Series - Complete your projects with a Post.Implementation.Review



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[83] ISO 14064-2:2006 , Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements
[84] ISO 14064-3:2006 , Greenhouse gases — Part 3: Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions
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[85] ISO 15392:2008 , Sustainability in building construction — General principles

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