NXP Semiconductors Reports First Quarter 2014 Results

NXP Semiconductors                                                          
Table 1: Condensed consolidated statement                                   
 of operations (unaudited)                                                  
($ in millions except share data)                  Three Months Ended       
                                            March 30,   Dec. 31,  March 31, 
                                               2014       2013       2013   
                                            ---------  ---------  --------- 
Revenue                                     $   1,246  $   1,293  $   1,085 
Cost of revenue                                  (661)      (704)      (602)
                                            ---------  ---------  --------- 
Gross profit                                      585        589        483 
Research and development                         (189)      (168)      (153)
Selling, general and administrative              (213)      (224)      (222)
                                            ---------  ---------  --------- 
Total operating expenses                         (402)      (392)      (375)
Other income (expense)                              -          1          7 
                                            ---------  ---------  --------- 
Operating income (loss)                           183            198                115  
Financial  income  (expense):                                                                                                  
    Interest  income  (expense)  -  net                                  (34)              (39)              (49)
    Foreign  exchange  gain  (loss)                                          (2)                31                (53)
    Gain  (loss)  on  extinguishment  of  long                                                                          
      term  debt                                                                              (3)              (54)              (37)
    Other  financial  expense                                                    (6)              (17)              (13)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Income  (loss)  before  taxes                                                138                119                (37)
Benefit  (provision)  for  income  taxes                            (15)              (10)              (11)
Results  relating  to  equity-accounted                                                                                
  investees                                                                                    1                    6                  47  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  income  (loss)                                                                  124                115                  (1)
Net  (income)  loss  attributable  to  non-                                                                            
  controlling  interests                                                        (14)              (19)              (13)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  income  (loss)  attributable  to                                                                                      
  stockholders                                                                          110                  96                (14)
Earnings  per  share  data:                                                                                                        
Net  income  (loss)  attributable  to                                                                                      
  stockholders  per  common  share                                                                                            
Basic  earnings  per  common  share  in  $                $        0.45    $        0.39    $      (0.06)
Diluted  earnings  per  common  share  in  $            $        0.43    $        0.37    $      (0.06)
Weighted  average  number  of  shares  of  common                                                                  
  stock  (in  thousands):                                                                                                            
Basic                                                                                  245,300        246,842        249,668  
Diluted                                                                              255,167        256,162        249,668  
NXP  Semiconductors                                                                                                                    
Table  2:  Condensed  consolidated  balance  sheet  (unaudited)                                      
($  in  millions)                                                                                        As  of                        
                                                                                              March  30,    Dec.  31,  March  31,
                                                                                                    2014            2013            2013    
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Current  assets:                                                                                                                          
    Cash  and  cash  equivalents                                        $          720  $          670  $          595
    Accounts  receivable  -  net                                                    556              501              464
    Other  receivables                                                                      34                41                48
    Assets  held  for  sale                                                                11                13                10
    Inventories                                                                                740              740              730
    Other  current  assets                                                              126              127              109
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Total  current  assets                                                              2,187          2,092          1,956
Non-current  assets:                                                                                                                  
    Investments  in  equity-accounted  investees                      53                52                46
    Other  non-current  assets                                                      143              144              131
    Property,  plant  and  equipment                                        1,045          1,048          1,039
    Identified  intangible  assets                                              707              755              888
    Goodwill                                                                                  2,354          2,358          2,221
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Total  non-current  assets                                                      4,302          4,357          4,325
Total  assets                                                                              6,489          6,449          6,281
Current  liabilities:                                                                                                                
    Accounts  payable                                                                      558              544              513
    Liabilities  held  for  sale                                                        1                  1                  -
    Accrued  liabilities                                                                639              608              599
    Short-term  debt                                                                          37                40              291
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Total  current  liabilities                                                    1,235          1,193          1,403
Non-current  liabilities:                                                                                                        
    Long-term  debt                                                                      3,546          3,281          3,149
    Other  non-current  liabilities                                            425              429              454
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Total  non-current  liabilities                                            3,971          3,710          3,603
Non-controlling  interests                                                        259              245              248
Stockholders'  equity                                                              1,024          1,301          1,027
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Total  equity                                                                              1,283          1,546          1,275
Total  liabilities  and  equity                                              6,489          6,449          6,281
NXP  Semiconductors                                                                                                                    
Table  3:  Condensed  consolidated  statement  of  cash  flows  (unaudited)                  
($  in  millions)                                                                        Three  Months  Ended              
                                                                                        March  30,      Dec.  31,    March  31,  
                                                                                              2014              2013              2013      
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Cash  Flows  from  operating  activities                                                                                
Net  income  (loss)                                                      $          124    $          115    $            (1)
Adjustments  to  reconcile  net  income  (loss):                                                                  
    Depreciation  and  amortization                                      102                113                132  
    Stock-based  compensation                                                  28                  31                  17  
    Net  (gain)  loss  on  sale  of  assets                                  -                    -                  (1)
    (Gain)  loss  on  extinguishment  of  debt                          3                  54                  37  
    Results  relating  to  equity  accounted                                                                            
      investees                                                                              (1)                (6)              (47)
Changes  in  operating  assets  and                                                                                          
    (Increase)  decrease  in  trade  receivables                (55)                37                (15)
    (Increase)  decrease  in  inventories                                1                  13                (20)
    Increase  (decrease)  in  trade  payables                        14                  (4)              (44)
    (Increase)  decrease  in  other  receivables                  12                  10                  (8)
    Increase  (decrease)  in  other  payables                        35                (21)                17  
    Changes  in  deferred  taxes                                                  3                    1                    1  
Exchange  differences                                                                2                (31)                53  
Other  items                                                                                  5                    2                  (2)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  cash  provided  by  (used  for)  operating                                                                      
  activities                                                                              273                314                119  
Cash  flows  from  investing  activities:                                                                              
    Purchase  of  identified  intangible  assets                  (9)                (8)                (6)
    Capital  expenditures  on  property,  plant                                                                      
      and  equipment                                                                    (51)              (71)              (41)
    Proceeds  from  disposals  of  property,                                                                            
      plant  and  equipment                                                            1                    1                    2  
    Proceeds  from  disposals  of  assets  held                                                                        
      for  sale                                                                                  3                    -                    -  
    Proceeds  from  sale  of  interests  in                                                                                
      businesses                                                                              -                    3                    -  
    Proceeds  from  return  of  equity  investment                  -                    3                    -  
    Other                                                                                          -                  (3)                  2  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  cash  (used  for)  provided  by  investing                                                                      
  activities                                                                              (56)              (75)              (43)
Cash  flows  from  financing  activities:                                                                              
    Net  (repayments)  borrowings  of  short-term                                                                  
      debt                                                                                        (1)                (2)                (1)
    Repayments  under  the  revolving  credit                                                                          
      facility                                                                            (100)                  -              (280)
    Amounts  drawn  under  the  revolving  credit                                                                    
      facility                                                                              450                150                180  
    Repurchase  of  long-term  debt                                        (92)            (575)            (980)
    Principal  payments  on  long-term  debt                          (1)                (7)                (4)
    Net  proceeds  from  the  issuance  of  long-                                                                      
      term  debt                                                                                -                    1                990  
    Dividends  paid  to  non-controlling                                                                                  
      interests                                                                                -                  (1)                  -  
    Purchase  of  non-controlling  interests                                                                          
      (shares)                                                                                  -                (12)                  -  
    Cash  proceeds  from  exercise  of  stock                                                                            
      options                                                                                  40                  98                  40  
    Purchase  of  treasury  shares                                        (458)            (163)              (35)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  cash  provided  by  (used  for)  financing                                                                      
  activities                                                                            (162)            (511)              (90)
Effect  of  changes  in  exchange  rates  on  cash                                                                  
  positions                                                                                  (5)                  1                  (8)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Increase  (decrease)  in  cash  and  cash                                                                                
  equivalents                                                                              50              (271)              (22)
Cash  and  cash  equivalents  at  beginning  of                                                                      
  period                                                                                      670                941                617  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Cash  and  cash  equivalents  at  end  of  period                720                670                595  
Non-Cash  Financing                                                                                                                    
Exchange  of  Term  Loan  C  for  Term  Loan  D                          -                400                    -  
Exchange  of  Term  Loan  A1  for  Term  Loan  E                    400                    -                    -  
NXP  Semiconductors                                                                                                                    
Table  4:  Reconciliation  of  GAAP  to  non-GAAP  Segment  Results  (unaudited)          
($  in  millions)                                                                        Three  Months  Ended              
                                                                                        March  30,      Dec.  31,    March  31,  
                                                                                              2014              2013              2013      
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
High  Performance  Mixed  Signal  (HPMS)                            912                957                776  
Standard  Products                                                                  295                294                279  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    Product  Revenue                                                              1,207            1,251            1,055  
Corporate  and  Other                                                                39                  42                  30  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
        Total  Revenue                                                      $      1,246    $      1,293    $      1,085  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
HPMS  Revenue                                                                $          912    $          957    $          776  
    Percent  of  Total  Revenue                                              73.2%            74.0%            71.5%
    HPMS  segment  GAAP  gross  profit                                    508                523                417  
        PPA  effects                                                                        (1)                (3)                  -  
        Restructuring                                                                      -                  (3)                (1)
        Stock  based  compensation                                              (2)                (2)                (1)
        Other  incidentals                                                              -                (10)                  -  
        Other  adjustments                                                              -                    -                (46)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    HPMS  segment  non-GAAP  gross  profit                $          511    $          541    $          465  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        HPMS  segment  GAAP  gross  margin                              55.7%            54.6%            53.7%
        HPMS  segment  non-GAAP  gross  margin                      56.0%            56.5%            59.9%
    HPMS  segment  GAAP  operating  profit                            200                227                123  
        PPA  effects                                                                      (24)              (26)              (46)
        Restructuring                                                                    (2)                (2)                (1)
        Stock  based  compensation                                            (22)              (24)              (12)
        Other  incidentals                                                            (1)              (11)                (1)
        Other  adjustments                                                              -                    -                (46)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    HPMS  segment  non-GAAP  operating  profit        $          249    $          290    $          229  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        HPMS  segment  GAAP  operating  margin                      21.9%            23.7%            15.9%
        HPMS  segment  non-GAAP  operating  margin              27.3%            30.3%            29.5%
    Standard  Products  Revenue                                  $          295    $          294    $          279  
    Percent  of  Total  Revenue                                              23.7%            22.7%            25.7%
    Standard  Products  segment  GAAP  gross                                                                            
      profit                                                                                    85                  66                  70  
        PPA  effects                                                                          -                  (1)                (1)
        Restructuring                                                                    (7)              (18)                (1)
        Stock  based  compensation                                              (1)                (1)                  -  
        Other  incidentals                                                            (5)                (6)                (1)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    Standard  Products  segment  non-GAAP  gross                                                                    
      profit                                                                      $            98    $            92    $            73  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        Standard  Products  segment  GAAP  gross                                                                        
          margin                                                                            28.8%            22.4%            25.1%
        Standard  Products  segment  non-GAAP                                                                            
          gross  margin                                                                33.2%            31.3%            26.2%
    Standard  Products  segment  GAAP  operating                                                                    
      profit                                                                                    12                    2                    7  
        PPA  effects                                                                      (15)              (15)              (15)
        Restructuring                                                                  (15)              (18)                (1)
        Stock  based  compensation                                              (6)                (7)                (4)
        Other  incidentals                                                            (5)                (6)                (1)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    Standard  Products  segment  non-GAAP                                                                                
      operating  profit                                                  $            53    $            48    $            28  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        Standard  Products  segment  GAAP                                                                                    
          operating  margin                                                          4.1%              0.7%              2.5%
        Standard  Products  segment  non-GAAP                                                                            
          operating  margin                                                        18.0%            16.3%            10.0%
    Corporate  and  Other  Revenue                              $            39    $            42    $            30  
    Percent  of  Total  Revenue                                                3.1%              3.3%              2.8%
    Corporate  and  Other  segment  GAAP  gross                                                                        
      profit                                                                                    (8)                  -                  (4)
        PPA  effects                                                                        (2)                (2)                (2)
        Restructuring                                                                  (16)                  -                    -  
        Stock  based  compensation                                                -                    -                    -  
        Other  incidentals                                                              2                  (1)                (1)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    Corporate  and  Other  segment  non-GAAP                                                                            
      gross  profit                                                          $              8    $              3    $            (1)
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        Corporate  and  Other  segment  GAAP  gross                                                                    
          margin                                                                          -20.5%              0.0%          -13.3%
        Corporate  and  Other  segment  non-GAAP                                                                        
          gross  margin                                                                20.5%              7.1%            -3.3%
    Corporate  and  Other  segment  GAAP                                                                                    
      operating  profit                                                              (29)              (31)              (15)
        PPA  effects                                                                        (7)                (6)                (6)
        Restructuring                                                                  (16)                (3)                (2)
        Stock  based  compensation                                                -                    -                  (1)
        Other  incidentals                                                            (5)                (8)                (4)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
    Corporate  and  Other  segment  non-GAAP                                                                            
      operating  profit                                                  $            (1)  $          (14)  $            (2)
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
        Corporate  and  Other  segment  GAAP                                                                                
          operating  margin                                                      -74.4%          -73.8%          -50.0%
        Corporate  and  Other  segment  non-GAAP                                                                        
          operating  margin                                                        -2.6%          -33.3%            -6.7%
NXP  Semiconductors                                                                                                                    
Table  5:  Financial  Reconciliation  of  GAAP  to  non-GAAP  Results  (unaudited)      
($  in  millions  except  share  data)                                Three  Months  Ended                  
                                                                                  March  30,            Dec.  31,    March  31,  
                                                                                        2014                    2013              2013      
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Revenue                                                                    $      1,246          $      1,293    $      1,085  
GAAP  Gross  profit                                                $          585          $          589    $          483  
    PPA  effects                                                                      (3)                      (6)                (3)
    Restructuring                                                                (23)                    (21)                (2)
    Stock  Based  Compensation                                            (3)                      (3)                (1)
    Other  incidentals                                                          (3)                    (17)                (2)
    Other  adjustments                                                            -                          -                (46)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Gross  profit                                        $          617          $          636    $          537  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Gross  margin                                                          47.0%                  45.6%            44.5%
Non-GAAP  Gross  margin                                                  49.5%                  49.2%            49.5%
    GAAP  Research  and  development                    $        (189)        $        (168)  $        (153)
        PPA  effects                                                                    -                          -                    -  
        Restructuring                                                              (9)                        1                    -  
        Stock  based  compensation                                        (3)                      (5)                (3)
        Other  incidentals                                                      (1)                      (1)                (1)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
    Non-GAAP  Research  and  development            $        (176)        $        (163)  $        (149)
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
    GAAP  Selling,  general  and                                                                                                  
      administrative                                                $        (213)        $        (224)  $        (222)
        PPA  effects                                                                (41)                    (41)              (64)
        Restructuring                                                              (1)                      (3)                (2)
        Stock  based  compensation                                      (22)                    (23)              (13)
        Other  incidentals                                                      (8)                      (7)                (3)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
    Non-GAAP  Selling,  general  and                                                                                          
      administrative                                                $        (141)        $        (150)  $        (140)
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
    GAAP  Other  income  (expense)                        $              -          $              1    $              7  
        PPA  effects                                                                  (2)                        -                    -  
        Restructuring                                                                -                          -                    -  
        Other  incidentals                                                        1                          -                    -  
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
    Non-GAAP  Other  income  (expense)                $              1          $              1    $              7  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Operating  income  (loss)                          $          183          $          198    $          115  
    PPA  effects                                                                    (46)                    (47)              (67)
    Restructuring                                                                (33)                    (23)                (4)
    Stock  based  compensation                                          (28)                    (31)              (17)
    Other  incidentals                                                        (11)                    (25)                (6)
    Other  adjustments                                                            -                          -                (46)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Operating  income  (loss)                  $          301          $          324    $          255  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Operating  margin                                                  14.7%                  15.3%            10.6%
Non-GAAP  Operating  margin                                          24.2%                  25.1%            23.5%
GAAP  Financial  income  (expense)                    $          (45)        $          (79)  $        (152)
    Foreign  exchange  gain  (loss)  on  debt                    (2)                      31                (53)
    Gain  (loss)  on  extinguishment  of  long                                                                          
      term  debt                                                                        (3)                    (54)              (37)
    Other  financial  expense                                              (6)                    (17)              (13)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Financial  income  (expense)            $          (34)        $          (39)  $          (49)
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Income  tax  benefit  (provision)            $          (15)        $          (10)  $          (11)
    Other  adjustments                                                        (11)                        3                  (4)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Cash  tax  (expense)                            $            (4)        $          (13)  $            (7)
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Results  relating  to  equity-                                                                                        
  accounted  investees                                          $              1          $              6    $            47  
    Other  adjustments                                                            1                          6                  47  
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Results  relating  to  equity-                                                                                
  accounted  investees                                          $              -          $              -    $              -  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Net  income  (loss)                                      $          124          $          115    $            (1)
    PPA  effects                                                                    (46)                    (47)              (67)
    Restructuring                                                                (33)                    (23)                (4)
    Stock  based  compensation                                          (28)                    (31)              (17)
    Other  incidentals                                                        (11)                    (25)                (6)
    Other  adjustments                                                        (21)  1)              (31)            (106)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
  Non-GAAP  Net  income  (loss)                            $          263          $          272    $          199  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
  GAAP  Net  income  (loss)  attributable  to                                                                          
  stockholders                                                        $          110          $            96    $          (14)
    PPA  effects                                                                    (46)                    (47)              (67)
    Restructuring                                                                (33)                    (23)                (4)
    Stock  based  compensation                                          (28)                    (31)              (17)
    Other  incidentals                                                        (11)                    (25)                (6)
    Other  adjustments                                                        (21)                    (31)            (106)
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Net  income  (loss)  attributable                                                                          
  to  stockholders                                                  $          249          $          253    $          186  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Weighted  average  shares  -  diluted          255,167              256,162        249,668  
    Non-GAAP  Adjustment                                                        -                          -            8,157  
                                                                                  ---------          ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  Weighted  average  shares  -                                                                                    
  diluted                                                                      255,167              256,162        257,825  
                                                                                  =========          =========    =========  
GAAP  Diluted  net  income  (loss)                                                                                            
  attributable  to  stockholders  per  share    $        0.43          $        0.37    $      (0.06)
Non-GAAP  Diluted  net  income  (loss)                                                                                    
  attributable  to  stockholders  per  share    $        0.98          $        0.99    $        0.72  
1)  Includes:  During  1Q14:  Foreign  exchange  loss  on  debt:  ($2)  million;  Loss  on  extinguishment  of  long-term  debt:  ($3)  million;  Other  financial
expense:  ($6)  million;  Results  relating  to  equity-accounted  investees:  $1  million;  and  difference  between  book  and  cash  income  taxes:  ($11)      
NXP  Semiconductors                                                                                                                    
Table  6:  Adjusted  EBITDA  and  Free  Cash  Flow  (unaudited)                                          
($  in  millions)                                                                        Three  Months  Ended              
                                                                                        March  30,      Dec.  31,    March  31,  
                                                                                              2014              2013              2013      
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  Income                                                                    $          124    $          115    $            (1)
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
Reconciling  items  to  EBITDA                                                                                                  
    Financial  (income)  expense                                              45                  79                152  
    (Benefit)  provision  for  income  taxes                          15                  10                  11  
    Depreciation                                                                          52                  61                  61  
    Amortization                                                                          50                  52                  71  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
EBITDA                                                                            $          286    $          317    $          294  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
Reconciling  items  to  adjusted  EBITDA                                                                                
    Results  of  equity-accounted  investees                        (1)                (6)              (47)
    Restructuring  1)                                                                  33                  21                    4  
    Stock  based  compensation                                                  28                  31                  17  
    Other  incidental  items  1)                                                11                  24                    5  
    Other  adjustments                                                                  -                    -                  46  
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Adjusted  EBITDA                                                          $          357    $          387    $          319  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
Trailing  twelve  month  adjusted  EBITDA              $      1,414    $      1,376    $      1,195  
1)  Excluding  depreciation  property,  plant  and  equipment  and  amortization        
  software  related  to:                                                                                                              
        Restructuring                                                                      -                    2                    -  
        Other  incidental  items                                                    -                    1                    1  
($  in  millions)                                                                        Three  Months  Ended              
                                                                                        March  30,      Dec.  31,    March  31,  
                                                                                              2014              2013              2013      
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Net  cash  provided  by  (used  for)  operating                                                                      
  activities                                                                  $          273    $          314    $          119  
                                                                                        =========    =========    =========  
Net  capital  expenditures  on  property,  plant                                                                  
  and  equipment                                                                        (50)              (70)              (39)
                                                                                        ---------    ---------    ---------  
Non-GAAP  free  cash  flow                                          $          223    $          244    $            80  
Non-GAAP  free  cash  flow  as  a  percent  of                                                                          
  Revenue                                                                                      18%                19%                  7%

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Coastal GeoTools 2025 Conference at 301 North Water Street - Jan 27 - 30, 2025

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