Cadence Reports Second Quarter 2013 Financial Results

Cadence expects that its corporate representatives will meet privately during the quarter with investors, the media, investment analysts and others. At these meetings, Cadence may reiterate the business outlook published in this press release. At the same time, Cadence will keep this press release, including the business outlook, publicly available on its website.

Prior to the start of the Quiet Period (described below), the public may continue to rely on the business outlook contained herein as still being Cadence's current expectations on matters covered unless Cadence publishes a notice stating otherwise.

Beginning September 13, 2013, Cadence will observe a Quiet Period during which the business outlook as provided in this press release and the company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q no longer constitute the company's current expectations. During the Quiet Period, the business outlook in these documents should be considered to be historical, speaking as of prior to the Quiet Period only and not subject to any update by the company. During the Quiet Period, Cadence's representatives will not comment on Cadence's business outlook, financial results or expectations. The Quiet Period will extend until the day when Cadence's Third Quarter 2013 Earnings Release is published, which is currently scheduled for October 23, 2013.

                        Cadence Design Systems, Inc.                        
                    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets                   
                     June 29, 2013 and December 29, 2012                    
                               (In thousands)                               
                                           June 29, 2013   December 29, 2012
                                         ----------------- -----------------
Current assets:                                                             
  Cash and cash equivalents              $         577,233 $         726,357
  Short-term investments                           101,251           100,704
  Receivables, net of allowances of $0                                      
   and $85, respectively                            92,581            97,821
  Inventories                                       38,705            36,163
  2015 notes hedges                                335,131           303,154
  Prepaid expenses and other                       120,598           127,036
                                         ----------------- -----------------
    Total current assets                         1,265,499         1,391,235
Property, plant and equipment, net of                                       
 accumulated depreciation of $623,356 and                                   
 $635,450, respectively                            243,288           244,439
Goodwill                                            457,556                      233,266
Acquired  intangibles,  net  of  accumulated                                                                        
  amortization  of  $115,406  and  $104,351,                                                                          
  respectively                                                                            337,705                      184,938
Long-term  receivables                                                                5,929                          7,559
Other  assets                                                                              253,112                      225,566
                                                                                  -----------------  -----------------
Total  assets                                                          $              2,563,089  $              2,287,003
                                                                                  =================  =================
Current  liabilities:                                                                                                                
    Revolving  credit  facility                            $                  100,000  $                              -
    Convertible  notes                                                                458,179                      447,011
    2015  notes  embedded  conversion                                                                                        
      derivative                                                                            335,131                      303,154
    Accounts  payable  and  accrued                                                                                            
      liabilities                                                                          185,809                      171,318
    Current  portion  of  deferred  revenue                            282,784                      295,787
                                                                                  -----------------  -----------------
        Total  current  liabilities                                        1,361,903                  1,217,270
                                                                                  -----------------  -----------------
Long-term  liabilities:                                                                                                            
    Long-term  portion  of  deferred  revenue                          43,892                        50,529
    Other  long-term  liabilities                                            117,034                      104,033
                                                                                  -----------------  -----------------
        Total  long-term  liabilities                                        160,926                      154,562
                                                                                  -----------------  -----------------
Stockholders'  equity                                                          1,040,260                      915,171
                                                                                  -----------------  -----------------
Total  liabilities  and  stockholders'                                                                                  
  equity                                                                    $              2,563,089  $              2,287,003
                                                                                  =================  =================
                                                Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.                                                
                                    Condensed  Consolidated  Income  Statements                                    
          For  the  Three  and  Six  Months  Ended  June  29,  2013  and  June  30,  2012          
                                    (In  thousands,  except  per  share  amounts)                                    
                                                              Three  Months  Ended              Six  Months  Ended        
                                                        -----------------------  -----------------------  
                                                            June  29,        June  30,        June  29,        June  30,    
                                                                2013                2012                2013                2012        
                                                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  
    Product  and  maintenance      $      337,983  $      297,510  $      666,254  $      583,798  
    Services                                              24,498            28,966            50,493            58,508  
                                                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  
        Total  revenue                              362,481          326,476          716,747          642,306  
                                                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  
Costs  and  expenses:                                                                                                                  
    Cost  of  product  and                                                                                                              
      maintenance                                      28,095            32,406            57,942            59,618  
    Cost  of  services                              15,148            17,071            33,492            36,445  
    Marketing  and  sales                        95,277            80,418          185,679          164,213  
    Research  and  development            136,395          112,031          260,479          220,625  
    General  and                                                                                                                              
      administrative                                34,441            30,244            64,251            58,014  
    Amortization  of  acquired                                                                                                    
      intangibles                                        5,327              3,643              9,118              7,429  
    Restructuring  and  other                                                                                                      
      charges  (credits)                            2,656                    43              2,508                    (8)
                                                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  
        Total  costs  and                                                                                                                  
          expenses                                      317,339          275,856          613,469          546,336  
                                                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  
            Income  from                                                                                                                      
              operations                                45,142            50,620          103,278            95,970  
    Interest  expense                              (9,528)          (8,566)        (18,790)        (17,103)
    Other  income,  net                              2,018              3,669              4,193              6,103  
                                                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  
            Income  before                                                                                                                  
              provision  for  income                                                                                                  
              taxes                                          37,632            45,723            88,681            84,970  
    Provision  for  income                                                                                                            
      taxes                                                  28,203              9,337                  643            17,480  
                                                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  
            Net  income                        $          9,429  $        36,386  $        88,038  $        67,490  
                                                        ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========  
Net  income  per  share  -                                                                                                            
  basic                                            $            0.03  $            0.13  $            0.32  $            0.25  
                                                        ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========  
Net  income  per  share  -                                                                                                            
  diluted                                        $            0.03  $            0.13  $            0.30  $            0.24  
                                                        ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========  
Weighted  average  common                                                                                                          
  shares  outstanding  -  basic          277,146          269,739          276,018          268,840  
                                                        ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========  
Weighted  average  common                                                                                                          
  shares  outstanding  -                                                                                                              
  diluted                                                294,443          275,318          293,274          276,526  
                                                        ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========  
                                                Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.                                                
                            Condensed  Consolidated  Statements  of  Cash  Flows                              
                    For  the  Six  Months  Ended  June  29,  2013  and  June  30,  2012                    
                                                              (In  thousands)                                                              
                                                                                                                Six  Months  Ended        
                                                                                                            June  29,        June  30,    
                                                                                                                2013                2012        
                                                                                                          ----------    ----------  
Cash  and  cash  equivalents  at  beginning  of  period          $    726,357    $    601,602  
                                                                                                          ----------    ----------  
Cash  flows  from  operating  activities:                                                                              
    Net  income                                                                                          88,038            67,490  
    Adjustments  to  reconcile  net  income  to  net  cash                                                      
      provided  by  operating  activities:                                                                                
        Depreciation  and  amortization                                                46,977            43,736  
        Amortization  of  debt  discount  and  fees                              12,625            11,529  
        Stock-based  compensation                                                          28,921            21,886  
        Gain  on  investments,  net                                                          (2,477)          (4,169)
        Deferred  income  taxes                                                                (4,413)                459  
        Other  non-cash  items                                                                        433              3,564  
        Changes  in  operating  assets  and  liabilities,  net                                                
          of  effect  of  acquired  businesses:                                                                            
            Receivables                                                                                  8,719            16,513  
            Inventories                                                                                (2,672)                499  
            Prepaid  expenses  and  other                                                  26,516                  414  
            Other  assets                                                                            (45,274)              (169)
            Accounts  payable  and  accrued  liabilities                      10,023            (4,694)
            Deferred  revenue                                                                    (24,359)        (27,446)
            Other  long-term  liabilities                                                  7,174            (1,424)
                                                                                                          ----------    ----------  
                Net  cash  provided  by  operating  activities              150,231          128,188  
                                                                                                          ----------    ----------  
Cash  flows  from  investing  activities:                                                                              
    Purchases  of  available-for-sale  securities                        (63,705)        (49,083)
    Proceeds  from  the  sale  of  available-for-sale                                                            
      securities                                                                                        46,857                  136  
    Proceeds  from  the  maturity  of  available-for-sale                                                    
      securities                                                                                        15,716                      -  
    Proceeds  from  the  sale  of  long-term  investments                  6,102                    44  
    Purchases  of  property,  plant  and  equipment                        (23,739)        (18,269)
    Investment  in  venture  capital  partnerships  and                                                        
      equity  investments                                                                                  -                (250)
    Cash  paid  in  business  combinations  and  asset                                                            
      acquisitions,  net  of  cash  acquired                                    (392,139)          (1,041)
                                                                                                          ----------    ----------  
                Net  cash  used  for  investing  activities                  (410,908)        (68,463)
                                                                                                          ----------    ----------  
Cash  flows  from  financing  activities:                                                                              
    Proceeds  from  revolving  credit  facility                              100,000                      -  
    Principal  payments  on  receivable  financing                          (2,526)          (2,907)
    Payment  of  acquisition-related  contingent                                                                  
      consideration                                                                                      (582)                (39)
    Tax  effect  related  to  employee  stock  transactions                                                  
      allocated  to  equity                                                                        7,300              4,075  
    Proceeds  from  issuance  of  common  stock                                  30,227            13,063  
    Stock  received  for  payment  of  employee  taxes  on                                                      
      vesting  of  restricted  stock                                                    (11,758)          (9,897)
                                                                                                          ----------    ----------  
                Net  cash  provided  by  financing  activities              122,661              4,295  
                                                                                                          ----------    ----------  
Effect  of  exchange  rate  changes  on  cash  and  cash                                                        
  equivalents                                                                                        (11,108)          (3,964)
                                                                                                          ----------    ----------  
Increase  (decrease)  in  cash  and  cash  equivalents              (149,124)          60,056  
                                                                                                          ----------    ----------  
Cash  and  cash  equivalents  at  end  of  period                      $    577,233    $    661,658  
                                                                                                          ==========    ==========  
                                                Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.                                                
                                                          As  of  July  24,  2013                                                        
    Impact  of  Non-GAAP  Adjustments  on  Forward  Looking  Diluted  Net  Income  Per    
                                                                          Three  Months  Ending          Year  Ending        
                                                                            September  28,  2013    December  28,  2013  
                                                                          -------------------  -------------------
                                                                                      Forecast                        Forecast          
                                                                          -------------------  -------------------
Diluted  net  income  per  share  on  a                                                                                      
  GAAP  basis                                                          $0.08  to  $0.10            $0.45  to  $0.54    
    Amortization  of  acquired                                                                                                    
      intangibles                                                              0.04                                0.14              
    Stock-based  compensation  expense                      0.06                                0.23              
    Non-qualified  deferred  compensation                                                                              
      expenses                                                                      -                                    0.01              
    Restructuring  and  other  charges                          -                                    0.01              
    Integration  and  acquisition-related                                                                              
      costs                                                                          0.03                                0.10              
    Amortization  of  debt  discount                            0.02                                0.08              
    Other  income  or  expense  related  to                                                                                
      investments  and  non-qualified                                                                                        
      deferred  compensation  plan  assets*                  -                                  (0.01)            
    Income  tax  benefit  due  to  a  release                                                                              
      of  an  uncertain  tax  position                              -                                  (0.11)            
    Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP                                                                                          
      adjustments                                                            (0.04)                            (0.10)            
                                                                          -------------------  -------------------
Diluted  net  income  per  share  on  a                                                                                      
  non-GAAP  basis                                                  $0.19  to  $0.21            $0.80  to  $0.89    
                                                                          ===================  ===================
*    Includes,  as  applicable,  equity  in  losses  or  income  from  investments,        
      write-down  of  investments,  gains  or  losses  on  sale  of  investments  and        
      gains  or  losses  on  non-qualified  deferred  compensation  plan  assets              
      recorded  in  other  income  or  expense.                                                                          
                                                  Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.                                              
                                                          As  of  July  24,  2013                                                        
                  Impact  of  Non-GAAP  Adjustments  on  Forward  Looking  Net  Income              
                                                                          Three  Months  Ending          Year  Ending        
                                                                            September  28,  2013    December  28,  2013  
                                                                          -------------------  -------------------
  ($  in  millions)                                                      Forecast                        Forecast          
                                                                          -------------------  -------------------
  Net  income  on  a  GAAP  basis                              $24  to  $30                  $134  to  $161      
      Amortization  of  acquired                                                                                                  
        intangibles                                                              12                                    43                
      Stock-based  compensation  expense                      19                                    69                
      Non-qualified  deferred                                                                                                      
        compensation  expenses                                          -                                      2                  
      Restructuring  and  other  charges                        -                                      3                  
      Integration  and  acquisition-                                                                                          
        related  costs                                                          8                                      29                
      Amortization  of  debt  discount                            6                                      22                
      Other  income  or  expense  related  to                                                                              
        investments  and  non-qualified                                                                                      
        deferred  compensation  plan                                                                                            
        assets*                                                                      -                                    (2)                
      Income  tax  benefit  due  to  a                                                                                            
        release  of  an  uncertain  tax                                                                                          
        position                                                                    -                                    (34)              
      Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP                                                                                        
        adjustments                                                            (11)                                (30)              
                                                                          -------------------  -------------------
  Net  income  on  a  non-GAAP  basis                      $58  to  $64                  $236  to  $263      
                                                                          ===================  ===================
*    Includes,  as  applicable,  equity  in  losses  or  income  from  investments,        
      write-down  of  investments,  gains  or  losses  on  sale  of  investments  and        
      gains  or  losses  on  non-qualified  deferred  compensation  plan  assets              
      recorded  in  other  income  or  expense.                                                                          
                                                Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.                                                
                                Revenue  Mix  by  Geography  (%  of  Total  Revenue)                              
                                                                                                      2012                            2013      
                                                                                -------------------------  ----------
GEOGRAPHY                                                                  Q1      Q2      Q3      Q4    Year      Q1      Q2  
                                                                                -------------------------  ----------
    Americas                                                                44%    46%    43%    45%    45%      44%    45%
    EMEA                                                                        19%    20%    20%    21%    20%      22%    21%
    Japan                                                                      18%    16%    17%    14%    16%      15%    13%
    Asia                                                                        19%    18%    20%    20%    19%      19%    21%
Total                                                                        100%  100%  100%  100%  100%    100%  100%
                            Revenue  Mix  by  Product  Group  (%  of  Total  Revenue)                          
                                                                                                      2012                            2013      
                                                                                -------------------------  ----------
PRODUCT  GROUP                                                          Q1      Q2      Q3      Q4    Year      Q1      Q2  
                                                                                -------------------------  ----------
    Functional  Verification,  Hardware  and                                                                          
      IP                                                                          30%    33%    30%    30%    30%      26%    28%
    Digital  IC  Design                                              23%    22%    23%    23%    23%      25%    23%
    Custom  IC  Design                                                23%    22%    24%    24%    23%      25%    25%
    Design  for  Manufacturing                                  7%      6%      6%      6%      6%        7%      6%
    System  Interconnect  Design                              8%      8%      9%      9%      9%      10%    11%
    Services  and  other                                              9%      9%      8%      8%      9%        7%      7%
Total                                                                        100%  100%  100%  100%  100%    100%  100%
Note:  Product  Group  total  revenue  includes  product  +  maintenance                        
                                                Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.                                                
            Supplemental  Reconciliation  of  Certain  GAAP  to  Non-GAAP  Measures            
                                    For  the  Three  Months  Ended  June  29,  2013                                    
                                    (In  thousands,  except  per  share  amounts)                                    
                                                                                            Three  Months  Ended                        
                                                                                                June  29,  2013                              
                                                                            GAAP          Adjustments                Non-GAAP    
    Product  and  maintenance                  $      337,983    $                  -            $      337,983  
    Services                                                          24,498                        -                      24,498  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
        Total  revenue                                          362,481                        -                    362,481  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
Costs  and  expenses:                                                                                                                  
    Cost  of  product  and  maintenance            28,095              (6,095)  (A)            22,000  
    Cost  of  services                                          15,148                  (483)  (A)            14,665  
    Marketing  and  sales                                    95,277              (3,868)  (A)            91,409  
    Research  and  development                        136,395            (13,096)  (A)          123,299  
    General  and  administrative                      34,441              (9,121)  (A)            25,320  
    Amortization  of  acquired                                                                                                    
      intangibles                                                    5,327              (5,327)  (A)                      -  
    Restructuring  and  other  charges              2,656              (2,656)                              -  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
        Total  costs  and  expenses                    317,339            (40,646)                  276,693  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
            Income  from  operations                      45,142              40,646                      85,788  
    Interest  expense                                          (9,528)              5,571    (B)            (3,957)
    Other  income,  net                                          2,018              (1,193)  (C)                  825  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
            Income  before  provision  for                                                                                      
              income  taxes                                        37,632              45,024                      82,656  
    Provision  for  income  taxes                      28,203              (6,712)  (D)            21,491  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
            Net  income                                    $          9,429    $        51,736            $        61,165  
                                                                    ===========    ===========            ===========  
(A)    For  the  three  months  ended  June  29,  2013  adjustments  to  GAAP  are  as        
          follows  for  the  line  items  specified:                                                                    
                                                                                          Non-          Integration                      
                                                                                      qualified            and                              
                                Amortization  Stock-based      deferred      acquisition        Total    
                                of  acquired  compensation  compensation      -related        adjust-
                                intangibles        expense          expenses            costs              ments        
                                -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------
Cost  of  product                                                                                                                          
  maintenance        $          5,760  $                323  $                  12  $                  -  $        6,095
Cost  of                                                                                                                                          
  services                                  -                    466                      17                      -                483
Marketing  and                                                                                                                              
  sales                                        -                3,327                    146                  395            3,868
Research  and                                                                                                                                
  development                            -                7,485                    879              4,732          13,096
General  and                                                                                                                                  
  administrative                      -                3,510                    645              4,966            9,121
Amortization  of                                                                                                                          
  intangibles                    5,327                        -                        -                      -            5,327
                                -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------
    Total                  $        11,087  $          15,111  $            1,699  $        10,093  $      37,990
                                ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ==========
(B)    Amortization  of  debt  discount  related  to  convertible  notes                          
(C)    Other  income  or  expense  related  to  investments  and  non-qualified              
          deferred  compensation  plan  assets                                                                            
(D)    Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP  adjustments                                                            
                                                Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.                                                
            Supplemental  Reconciliation  of  Certain  GAAP  to  Non-GAAP  Measures            
                                    For  the  Three  Months  Ended  June  30,  2012                                    
                                    (In  thousands,  except  per  share  amounts)                                    
                                                                                            Three  Months  Ended                        
                                                                                                June  30,  2012                              
                                                                            GAAP          Adjustments                Non-GAAP    
    Product  and  maintenance                  $      297,510    $                  -            $      297,510  
    Services                                                          28,966                        -                      28,966  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
        Total  revenue                                          326,476                        -                    326,476  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
Costs  and  expenses:                                                                                                                  
    Cost  of  product  and  maintenance            32,406              (3,188)  (E)            29,218  
    Cost  of  services                                          17,071                  (426)  (E)            16,645  
    Marketing  and  sales                                    80,418              (2,420)  (E)            77,998  
    Research  and  development                        112,031              (7,865)  (E)          104,166  
    General  and  administrative                      30,244              (5,258)  (E)            24,986  
    Amortization  of  acquired                                                                                                    
      intangibles                                                    3,643              (3,643)  (E)                      -  
    Restructuring  and  other  charges                    43                    (43)                              -  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
        Total  costs  and  expenses                    275,856            (22,843)                  253,013  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
            Income  from  operations                      50,620              22,843                      73,463  
    Interest  expense                                          (8,566)              5,124    (F)            (3,442)
    Other  income,  net                                          3,669              (2,220)  (G)              1,449  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
            Income  before  provision  for                                                                                      
              income  taxes                                        45,723              25,747                      71,470  
    Provision  for  income  taxes                        9,337                9,245    (H)            18,582  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
            Net  income                                    $        36,386    $        16,502            $        52,888  
                                                                    ===========    ===========            ===========  
(E)    For  the  three  months  ended  June  30,  2012  adjustments  to  GAAP  are  as        
          follows  for  the  line  items  specified:                                                                    
                                                                                          Non-          Integration                      
                                                                                      qualified            and                              
                                Amortization  Stock-based      deferred      acquisition        Total  
                                of  acquired  compensation  compensation      -related        adjust-
                                intangibles        expense          expenses            costs              ments  
                                -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------
Cost  of  product                                                                                                                          
  maintenance        $          2,891  $                268  $                  29  $                  -  $        3,188
Cost  of                                                                                                                                          
  services                                  -                    384                      42                      -                426
Marketing  and                                                                                                                              
  sales                                        -                2,128                    212                    80            2,420
Research  and                                                                                                                                
  development                            -                4,441                1,083              2,341            7,865
General  and                                                                                                                                  
  administrative                      -                3,140                    912              1,206            5,258
Amortization  of                                                                                                                          
  intangibles                    3,643                        -                        -                      -            3,643
                                -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------
    Total                  $          6,534  $          10,361  $            2,278  $          3,627  $      22,800
                                ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ==========
(F)    Amortization  of  debt  discount  related  to  convertible  notes                          
(G)    Other  income  or  expense  related  to  investments  and  non-qualified              
          deferred  compensation  plan  assets                                                                            
(H)    Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP  adjustments                                                            

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