Impact of the Recession on the Aerospace Industry

ROCKVILLE, MD -- (MARKET WIRE) -- Oct 20, 2009 -- has announced the addition of Global Markets Direct's new report "Global Aerospace Industry Outlook to 2010: Buyer Spend and Procurement Strategies and the Impact of Recession and Recovery," to their collection of Aerospace market reports. For more information, visit


"Global Aerospace Industry Outlook to 2010" is a new report published by Global Markets Direct in association with ICD Research that analyzes how aerospace companies products & services spend, procurement strategies & practices and business are being affected by the recession. In an uncertain economic climate this report gives you access to the category-level spending outlooks, buyer budgets, supplier selection criteria, business challenges and investment opportunities of leading purchase decision makers. The report also identifies buyers and suppliers future growth, M&A and investment expectations. The research is based on an extensive survey of senior and C-level industry executives from our market leading panels.


--  The opinions and forward looking statements of over 450 industry
    executives have been captured in our in-depth survey, of which over 40%
    represent Director & C-level respondents and a further 33% represent senior
--  This report covers data and analysis on buyer spend, procurement and
    industry developments by aircraft manufacturers, aircraft operators,
    airlines, MRO and OEM companies and aerospace goods and service suppliers
--  The report examines current practices and provides future expectations
    over the next 12-24 months
--  The research is based on primary survey research conducted by Global
    Markets Direct in association with ICD Research accessing its B2B panels
    comprised of senior purchase decision makers and leading supplier
--  Key topics covered include buyer spend activity, procurement behaviors
    & strategies and how these have been affected by the recession, threats &
    opportunities for the aerospace industry, economic outlook and business
--  In the report buyers identify what suppliers need to do to maintain
    their business and the key actions being taken by industry players to
    overcome the leading business threats
--  The report provides qualitative analysis of the key industry threats
    and opportunities and contains full survey results
--  The geographical scope of the research is global -- drawing on the
    activity and expectations of leading industry players across the Americas,
    Europe, Asia-Pacific and Africa & Middle East


--  As many as 58% of aerospace manufacturers expect to increase their
    procurement spend over the next 12 months and a further 18% looking to
    maintain it at current levels, and with many claiming to be re-evaluating
    their supplier base the market open to competition is expected to increase
    over the coming year
--  38% of industry buyers are seeking to engage in partnerships to
    optimize working capital and reduce costs -- closer cooperation between
    suppliers and buyers is being sought during this time of market uncertainty
--  Less than one in five industry buyers do not regularly evaluate
    suppliers to ensure they meet high ethical and environmental standards

Reasons to buy

--  Drive revenues by understanding future product investment areas and
    growth regions by leading industry players
--  Formulate effective sales & marketing strategies by identifying how
    buyer budgets are changing and where spend will be directed to in the
--  Better promote your business by aligning your capabilities and
    business practices with your customer's changing needs during these times
    of market uncertainty
--  Secure stronger customer relationships by understanding the leading
    business concerns and changing strategies of buyers in the aerospace
--  Effectively plan your business strategies
--  Predict how the industry will grow, consolidate and where it will
--  Uncover the business outlook, key challenges and opportunities
    identified by suppliers and buyers in the industry

Topics covered in the report include...
1 Table of Contents
      1.1 List Of Tables
      1.2 List Of Figures
2 Introduction
      2.1 What is This Report About?
      2.2 Methodology
      2.3 Profile of Survey Respondents
3 Executive Summary
4 Economic Outlook & Confidence
      4.1 Global Economy Recovery Expectations
      4.2 Revenue Growth Expectations
5 Aerospace Industry Investment Outlook
      5.1 Fastest & Slowest Growing Markets
      5.2 M&A Activity Predictions
      5.3 Supplier's Industry Outlook
6 Recession: Threats & Opportunities For The Aerospace Industry
      6.1 Leading Business Concerns Due To Recession
      6.2 Key Actions To Overcome Business Threats
      6.3 Key Actions To Maintain & Win Buyer Business
      6.4 Leading Recession-Related Business Opportunities
7 Aerospace Industry Buyer Spend Activity
      7.1 Annual Procurement Budgets
      7.2 Expected Change In Procurement Spend
      7.3 Expected Change In Spend By Product & Service Category
8 Procurement Behaviors & Strategies & The Impact Of Recession
      8.1 Critical Success Factors For Supplier Selection
      8.2 Current Effects Of Recession On Procurement Objectives
      8.3 Expected Future Effects Of Recession On Procurement
      8.4 The Effects Of Recession On Procurement Strategy
9 Appendix
      9.1 Full Survey Results -- Closed Questions
      9.2 Methodology
      9.3 Contact Us
      9.4 About Global Markets Direct
      9.5 Disclaimer
1.1 List Of Tables
    Table 1: Count Of Global Aerospace Industry Survey Respondents By
     Company Type (Number Of Respondents), 2009 Industry Survey 11
    Table 2: Buyer Respondents By Job Role (% Buyer Respondents),
     Global Aerospace Industry, 2009 11
    Table 3: Buyer Respondents By Organization's Global Turnover (%
     Buyer Respondents), Global Aerospace Industry, 2009 12
    Table 4: Buyer Respondents By Organization's Total Employee Size
    (% Buyer Respondents), Global Aerospace Industry, 2009 12
    Table 5: Supplier Respondents By Job Role (% Supplier Respondents),
     Global Aerospace Industry, 2009 13
    Table 6: Supplier Respondents By Organization's Global Turnover
     (% Supplier Respondents), Global Aerospace Industry, 2009 13
    Table 7: Supplier Respondents By Organization's Total Employee Size
     (% Supplier Respondents), Global Aerospace Industry, 2009 14
    Table 8: Global Aerospace Industry Expectations Of Global Economy
     Recovery Timings By Region: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific,
     Rest Of World (% All Respondents), 2009 20
    Table 9: Global Aerospace Industry Expectations Of Global Economy
     Recovery Timings By Company Type: Aircraft Manufacturers & OEM's,
     Airlines, Aircraft Operators, Aerospace Industry Suppliers (% All
     Respondents), 2009 22
    Table 10: Company Revenue Growth Optimism By Global Aerospace
     Industry Company Type: Aircraft Manufacturers & OEM's, Airlines,
     Aircraft Operators, Aerospace Industry Suppliers
     (% All Respondents), 2009 24
    Table 11: Company Revenue Growth Optimism In The Global Aerospace
     Industry By Region: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Rest Of
     World (% All Respondents), 2009 26
    Table 12: Aircraft Manufacturer & OEM Industry: Market Predictions
     Of The Fastest And Slowest Growing Regions (% Aircraft
     Manufacturer & OEM Respondents), 2009 29
    Table 13: Airline Industry: Market Predictions Of The Fastest And
     Slowest Growing Regions (% Airline Respondents), 2009 31
    Table 14: Aircraft Operator Industry: Market Predictions Of The
     Fastest And Slowest Growing Regions (% Aircraft Operator
     Respondents), 2009 34
    Table 15: Aerospace Industry Supplier Industry: Market Predictions
        Of  The  Fastest  And  Slowest  Growing  Regions  (%  Aerospace  Industry
          Supplier  Respondents),  2009  36
        Table  16:  Key  Growth  Areas  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          (Analysis  Of  Supplier  Respondents),  2009  41
        Table  17:  Key  Growth  Areas  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          (Analysis  Of  CEO/MD/Director/Vice  President/Board  Level  Supplier
          Respondents),  2009  42
        Table  18:  Key  Declining  Areas  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          (Analysis  Of  Supplier  Respondents),  2009  43
        Table  19:  Key  Declining  Areas  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          (Analysis  Of  CEO/MD/Director/Vice  President/Board  Level  Supplier
          Respondents),  2009  44
        Table  20:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Vs.  Airline  Vs.  Aircraft
          Operator  Vs.  Aerospace  Industry  Supplier:  Leading  Business
          Concerns  For  The  Period  2009-2010  Among  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          Buyers  And  Suppliers  (%  All  Respondents),  2009  48
        Table  21:  Leading  Business  Concerns  For  The  Period  2009-2010  Among
          Global  Aerospace  Industry  Buyers  And  Suppliers  By  Region:  North
          America,  Europe,  Asia-Pacific,  Rest  Of  World  (%  All  Respondents),
          2009  49
        Table  22:  Most  Important  Actions  Being  Implemented  To  Overcome
          Leading  Business  Concerns  In  2009-2010  In  The  Global  Aerospace
          Industry  (Analysis  Of  All  Respondents),  2009  51
        Table  23:  Most  Important  Actions  Being  Implemented  To  Overcome
          Leading  Business  Concerns  In  2009-2010  In  The  Global  Aerospace
          Industry  --  Senior  Level  Responses  Only  (Analysis  Of
          CEO/MD/Director/Vice  President/Board  Level  Respondents),  2009  52
        Table  24:  Most  Important  Actions  Being  Implemented  By  Aerospace
          Industry  Suppliers  To  Overcome  Leading  Business  Concerns  In
          2009-2010  (Analysis  Of  Aerospace  Industry  Supplier  Respondents),
          2009  53
        Table  25:  Most  Important  Actions  Being  Implemented  By  Aircraft
          Manufacturers  and  OEM's,  Airlines,  Aircraft  Operators  To  Overcome
          Leading  Business  Concerns  In  2009-2010  In  The  Global  Aerospace
          Industry  (Analysis  Of  Aircraft  manufacturers  and  OEM's,  Airlines,
          Aircraft  Operators  Respondents),  2009  54
        Figure  18:  The  Most  Important  Actions  For  Suppliers  To  Take  To
          Maintain  And  Secure  Buyer  Business  During  The  Recession  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Supplier  Responses  Versus  All  Buyer
          Responses  (%  All  Respondents),  2009  56
        Table  26:  The  Most  Important  Actions  For  Suppliers  To  Take  To
          Maintain  And  Secure  Buyer  Business  During  The  Recession  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Supplier  Responses  Versus  All  Buyer
          Responses  (%  All  Respondents),  2009  57
        Table  27:  The  Most  Important  Actions  For  Suppliers  To  Take  To
          Maintain  And  Secure  Buyer  Business  During  The  Recession  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Versus
          Airline  Versus  Aircraft  Operator  (%  Buyer  Respondents),  2009  59
        Table  28:  The  Most  Important  Actions  For  Suppliers  To  Take  To
          Maintain  And  Secure  Buyer  Business  During  The  Recession  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Analysis  Of  Buyer  Respondents  By
          Company  Turnover  (%  Buyer  Respondents),  2009  60
        Table  29:  The  Most  Important  Actions  For  Suppliers  To  Take  To
          Maintain  And  Secure  Buyer  Business  During  The  Recession  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Analysis  Of  All  Buyer  Respondents  By
          Procurement  Budget  (%  Buyer  Respondents),  2009  61
        Table  29:  The  Most  Important  Actions  For  Suppliers  To  Take  To
          Maintain  And  Secure  Buyer  Business  During  The  Recession  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Analysis  Of  All  Buyer  Respondents  By
          Region  (%  Buyer  Respondents),  2009  63
        Table  30:  The  Most  Important  Actions  For  Suppliers  To  Take  To
          Maintain  And  Secure  Buyer  Business  During  The  Recession  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Analysis  Of  All  Buyer  Respondents  By
          Purchasing  Decision  Seniority  (%  Buyer  Respondents  With  Purchasing
          Decision  Influence),  2009  64
        Table  31:  Leading  Business  Opportunities  During  The  Recession  In
          The  Global  Aerospace  Industry  (Analysis  Of  All  Respondents),  2009
        Table  32:  Leading  Business  Opportunities  During  The  Recession  In
          The  Global  Aerospace  Industry  --  Senior  Level  Responses  Only
          (Analysis  Of  CEO/MD/Director/Vice  President/Board  Level
          Respondents),2009  67
        Table  33:  Leading  Business  Opportunities  For  Aerospace  Suppliers
          During  The  Recession  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry  (Analysis
          Of  Supplier  Respondents),  2009  68
        Table  34:  Leading  Business  Opportunities  For  Aircraft  Manufacturers
          and  OEM's,  Airlines,  Aircraft  Operators  During  The  Recession  In
          The  Global  Aerospace  Industry  (Analysis  Of  Buyer  Respondents),
          2009  69
        Table  35:  Annual  Procurement  Budgets  In  US  Dollars  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Vs.  Airline  Vs.
          Aircraft  Operator  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009  72
        Table  36:  Annual  Procurement  Budgets  In  US  Dollars  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry  By  Company  Turnover  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),
          2009  74
        Table  37:  Annual  Procurement  Budgets  In  US  Dollars  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry  By  Region  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009  76
        Table  38:  Expected  Change  In  Spend  On  Products  &  Services  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry  Over  The  Next  12  Months:  Aircraft
          Manufacturer  &  OEM  Vs.  Airline  Vs.  Aircraft  Operator  (%  All  Buyer
          Respondents),  2009  78
        Table  39:  Expected  Change  In  Spend  On  Products  &  Services  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry  Over  The  Next  12  Months  By  Region  (%  All
          Buyer  Respondents),  2009  81
        Table  40:  Future  Change  In  Spend  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          By  Product  And  Service  Category:  Expected  Increase  Or  Decrease
          Over  The  Next  12  Months  Among  Aircraft  Manufacturers  &  OEMs
          (%  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Respondents),  2009  83
        Table  41:  Future  Change  In  Spend  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          By  Product  And  Service  Category:  Expected  Increase  Or  Decrease
          Over  The  Next  12  Months  Among  Airlines  (%  Airline  Respondents),
          2009  86
        Table  42:  Future  Change  In  Spend  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          By  Product  And  Service  Category:  Expected  Increase  Or  Decrease
          Over  The  Next  12  Months  Among  Aircraft  Operators  (%  Aircraft
          Operator  Respondents),  2009  89
        Table  40:  Critical  Success  Factors  For  Selecting  A  Aerospace
          Industry  Supplier:  Buyer  Versus  Supplier  Comparison  (%  All
          Respondents),  Global,  2009  98
        Table  41:  Critical  Success  Factors  For  Selecting  A  Aerospace
          Industry  Supplier:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Versus  Airline
          Versus  Aircraft  Operator  Comparison  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),
          Global,  2009  100
        Table  42:  Current  Effects  Of  Recession  On  Procurement  Objectives  &
          Priorities  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Aircraft  Manufacturer
          &  OEM  Versus  Airline  versus  Aircraft  Operator  (%  All  Buyer
          Respondents),  2009  103
        Table  43:  Current  Effects  Of  Recession  On  Procurement  Objectives  &
          Priorities  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry  By  Company  Turnover
          (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009  104
        Table  44:  Expected  Changes  In  Procurement  Strategy  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry  To  Drive  Value  Across  The  Business  Due  To
          Recession:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Versus  Airline  Versus
          Aircraft  Operator  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009  113
        Table  45:  Expected  Changes  In  Procurement  Strategy  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry  To  Drive  Value  Across  The  Business  Due  To
          Recession:  All  Buyers  By  Company  Turnover  (%  All  Buyer
          Respondents),  2009  114
        Table  46:  Expected  Changes  In  Procurement  Strategy  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry  To  Drive  Value  Across  The  Business  Due  To
          Recession:  All  Buyers  By  Purchasing  Decision  Seniority  (%  All
          Buyer  Respondents  Purchasing  Decision  Influence),  2009  115
        Table  47:  Expected  Changes  In  Procurement  Strategy  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry  To  Drive  Value  Across  The  Business  Due  To
          Recession:  All  Buyers  By  Region  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),
          2009  117
        Table  48:  Attitudes  &  Approaches  To  Existing  Procurement  Practices
          Among  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEMs:  Level  Of  Agreement  To  The
          Following  5  Statements  (%  Aircraft  Manufacturers  &  OEMs
          Respondents),  2009  118
        Table  49:  Airline  Attitudes  &  Approaches  To  Existing  Procurement
          Practices:  Level  Of  Agreement  To  The  Following  5  Statements
          (%  Airline  Respondents),  2009  119
        Table  50:  Aircraft  Operator  Attitudes  &  Approaches  To  Existing
          Procurement  Practices:  Level  Of  Agreement  To  The  Following  5
          Statements  (%  Aircraft  Operator  Respondents),  2009  119
        Table  51:  Full  Survey  Results
1.2  List  Of  Figures
        Figure  1:  Leading  Business  Concerns  For  The  Period  2009-2010  Among
          Global  Aerospace  Industry  Buyers  And  Suppliers  (%  All
          Respondents),  2009
        Figure  2:  Global  Aerospace  Industry  Expectations  Of  Global  Economy
          Recovery  Timings  (%  All  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  3:  Global  Aerospace  Industry  Expectations  Of  Global  Economy
          Recovery  Timings  By  Region:  North  America,  Europe,  Asia-Pacific,
          Rest  Of  World  (%  All  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  4:  Global  Aerospace  Industry  Expectations  Of  Global  Economy
          Recovery  Timings  By  Company  Type:  Aircraft  Manufacturers  &  OEM's,
          Airlines,  Aircraft  Operators,  Aerospace  Industry  Suppliers
          (%  All  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  5:  Company  Revenue  Growth  Optimism  In  The  Global  Aerospace
          Industry  (%  All  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  6:  Company  Revenue  Growth  Optimism  By  Global  Aerospace
          Industry  Company  Type:  Aircraft  Manufacturers  &  OEM's,  Airlines,
          Aircraft  Operators,  Aerospace  Industry  Suppliers  (%  All
          Respondents),  2009
        Figure  7:  Company  Revenue  Growth  Optimism  In  The  Global  Aerospace
          Industry  By  Region:  North  America,  Europe,  Asia-Pacific,  Rest  Of
          World  (%  All  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  8:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Industry:  Market  Predictions
          Of  The  Fastest  And  Slowest  Growing  Regions  (%  Aircraft
          Manufacturer  &  OEM  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  9:  Airline  Industry:  Market  Predictions  Of  The  Fastest  And
          Slowest  Growing  Regions  (%  Airline  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  10:  Aircraft  Operator  Industry:  Market  Predictions  Of  The
          Fastest  And  Slowest  Growing  Regions  (%  Aircraft  Operator
          Respondents),  2009
        Figure  11:  Aerospace  Industry  Supplier  Industry:  Market  Predictions
          Of  The  Fastest  And  Slowest  Growing  Regions  (%  Aerospace  Industry
          Supplier  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  12:  Merger  &  Acquisition  Activity  Expectations  Over  The  Next
          12  Months  In  The  Global  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Industry
          (%  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Industry  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  13:  Merger  &  Acquisition  Activity  Expectations  Over  The  Next
          12  Months  In  The  Global  Airline  Industry  (%  Airline  Industry
          Respondents),  2009
        Figure  14:  Merger  &  Acquisition  Activity  Expectations  Over  The  Next
          12  Months  In  The  Global  Aircraft  Operator  Industry  (%  Aircraft
          Operator  Industry  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  15:  Merger  &  Acquisition  Activity  Expectations  Over  The  Next
          12  Months  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry  Supplier  Industry  (%
          Aerospace  Industry  Supplier  Industry  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  16:  Leading  Business  Concerns  For  The  Period  2009-2010  Among
          Global  Aerospace  Industry  Buyers  And  Suppliers  (%  All
          Respondents),  2009
        Figure  17:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Vs.  Airline  Vs.  Aircraft
          Operator  Vs.  Aerospace  Industry  Supplier:  Leading  Business
          Concerns  For  The  Period  2009-2010  Among  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          Buyers  And  Suppliers  (%  All  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  18:  The  Most  Important  Actions  For  Suppliers  To  Take  To
          Maintain  And  Secure  Buyer  Business  During  The  Recession  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Supplier  Responses  Versus  All  Buyer
          Responses  (%  All  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  19:  The  Most  Important  Actions  For  Suppliers  To  Take  To
          Maintain  And  Secure  Buyer  Business  During  The  Recession  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Versus
          Airline  Versus  Aircraft  Operator  (%  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  20:  The  Most  Important  Actions  For  Suppliers  To  Take  To
          Maintain  And  Secure  Buyer  Business  During  The  Recession  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Analysis  Of  All  Buyer  Respondents  By
          Region  (%  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  21:  Annual  Procurement  Budgets  In  US  Dollars  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Vs.  Airline  Vs.
          Aircraft  Operator  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  22:  Annual  Procurement  Budgets  In  US  Dollars  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry  By  Company  Turnover  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),
        Figure  23:  Annual  Procurement  Budgets  In  US  Dollars  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry  By  Region  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  24:  Expected  Change  In  Spend  On  Products  &  Services  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry  Over  The  Next  12  Months:  Aircraft
          Manufacturer  &  OEM  Vs.  Airline  Vs.  Aircraft  Operator  (%  All  Buyer
          Respondents),  2009
        Figure  25:  Expected  Change  In  Spend  On  Products  &  Services  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry  Over  The  Next  12  Months  By  Company
          Turnover  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  26:  Expected  Change  In  Spend  On  Products  &  Services  In  The
          Global  Aerospace  Industry  Over  The  Next  12  Months  By  Region
          (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  27:  Future  Change  In  Spend  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          By  Product  And  Service  Category:  Expected  Increase  Or  Decrease
          Over  The  Next  12  Months  Among  Aircraft  Manufacturers  &  OEMs
          (%  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  28:  Future  Change  In  Spend  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          By  Product  And  Service  Category:  Expected  Increase  Or  Decrease
          Over  The  Next  12  Months  Among  Airlines  (%  Airline  Respondents),
        Figure  29:  Future  Change  In  Spend  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          By  Product  And  Service  Category:  Expected  Increase  Or  Decrease
          Over  The  Next  12  Months  Among  Aircraft  Operators  (%  Aircraft
          Operator  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  30:  Future  Change  In  Spend  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          By  Product  And  Service  Category:  Expected  Increase  Over  The  Next
          12  Months  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Vs.  Airline  Vs.  Aircraft
          Operator  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  31:  Future  Change  In  Spend  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          By  Product  And  Service  Category:  Expected  Increase  Over  The  Next
          12  Months  Among  All  Buyers  By  Company  Turnover  (%  All  Buyer
          Respondents),  2009
        Figure  32:  Future  Change  In  Spend  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry
          By  Product  And  Service  Category:  Expected  Increase  Over  The  Next
          12  Months  Among  All  Buyers  By  Region  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),
        Figure  33:  Critical  Success  Factors  For  Selecting  A  Aerospace
          Industry  Supplier:  Difference  In  Views,  Buyers  Versus  Suppliers
          (Net  Difference  In  Ranking),  Global,  2009
        Figure  34:  Critical  Success  Factors  For  Selecting  A  Aerospace
          Industry  Supplier:  Buyer  Versus  Supplier  Comparison  (%  All
          Respondents),  Global,  2009
        Figure  35:  Critical  Success  Factors  For  Selecting  A  Aerospace
          Industry  Supplier:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Versus  Airline
          Versus  Aircraft  Operator  Comparison  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),
          Global,  2009
        Figure  36:  Current  Effects  Of  Recession  On  Procurement  Objectives
          &  Priorities  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry  (%  All  Buyer
          Respondents),  2009
        Figure  37:  Current  Effects  Of  Recession  On  Procurement  Objectives
          &  Priorities  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Aircraft
          Manufacturer  &  OEM  Versus  Airline  versus  Aircraft  Operator  (%
          All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  38:  Likelihood  Of  Future  Change  In  Procurement  Objectives
          In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  39:  Likelihood  Of  Future  Change  On  Procurement  Objectives
          In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM
          Versus  Airline  Versus  Aircraft  Operator  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),
        Figure  40:  Likelihood  Of  Future  Change  On  Procurement  Objectives  In
          The  Global  Aerospace  Industry:  By  Company  Turnover  (%  All  Buyer
          Respondents),  2009
        Figure  41:  Expected  Future  Effects  Of  Recession  On  Procurement
          Objectives  &  Priorities  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry  (%  All
          Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  42:  Expected  Future  Effects  Of  Recession  On  Procurement
          Objectives  &  Priorities  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry:  Aircraft
          Manufacturer  &  OEM  Versus  Airline  Versus  Aircraft  Operator  (%  All
          Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  43:  Expected  Future  Effects  Of  Recession  On  Procurement
          Objectives  &  Priorities  In  The  Global  Aerospace  Industry  By
          Company  Turnover  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  44:  Expected  Changes  In  Procurement  Strategy  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry  To  Drive  Value  Across  The  Business  Due  To
          Recession  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  45:  Expected  Changes  In  Procurement  Strategy  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry  To  Drive  Value  Across  The  Business  Due  To
          Recession:  Aircraft  Manufacturer  &  OEM  Versus  Airline  Versus
          Aircraft  Operator  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009
        Figure  46:  Expected  Changes  In  Procurement  Strategy  In  The  Global
          Aerospace  Industry  To  Drive  Value  Across  The  Business  Due  To
          Recession:  All  Buyers  By  Region  (%  All  Buyer  Respondents),  2009

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