"The unfortunate state of the global economy has left many highly talented engineers as its innocent victims," says CD-adapco's Senior VP of Operations, Dr Bill Clark. "The 'No Engineer Left Behind' program is specifically designed to enable these engineers to enhance their computer-aided engineering skills and improve their marketability into one of the most buoyant areas of the engineering business."
Qualifying engineers are invited to attend free training courses at any CD-adapco training facility worldwide. The training will focus on the practical application of STAR-CCM+ to the solution of industrial problems. Skills learned can easily be deployed in a wide range of industries, including: Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Biomedical, Buildings, Chemical, Environmental, Marine, Oil and Gas, Power Generation, and Turbomachinery.
Available training courses cover topics in a number of areas, including: Introductory and Advanced STAR-CCM+; Engineering Process Automation through JAVA Scripting; Virtual Tow Tank - Computational Simulation Training for Naval Architects & Marine Engineers; Effective Heat Transfer Modeling and many more.
After completion of the first course, attendees will take home a certificate of competence, and a free software license of STAR-CCM+. Gaining access to the code will allow attendees to practice and maintain the learned skills which are a global standard for CAE simulation.
For more details please contact Lauren Wright, Email Contact, +1-734-453-2100 or visit http://www.cd-adapco.com/nelb.