Oxford, England. October 21, 2015 -- There is a week left to register for the first ever PLM Delivery Workshop in Manchester, UK.
The Workshop will be hosted by the GCE Group at their UK Headquarters.
The aim is to establish an agreed metrics structure so that the benefits of PLM adoption can be clear for everyone. Participants will be able to input their own ideas and requirements, and will receive the new tools that the Workshop produces.
Registration for the PLM Delivery Workshop is open until Thursday 29 October. The Workshop is open to delegates from any country and any part of the PLM industry. Full details and a Registration Form are available on the PLMIG web site.
The PLM Interest Group
The PLM Interest Group is the leading neutral industry group for PLM. It has produced the PLM Project Justification Handbook for PLM financial justification; the PLMuERP Handbook for enterprise-wide PLM-ERP integration; as well as tools for Benchmarking, Maturity Measurement and Self-Assessment.
For more information, please contact:
Roger Tempest