23rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (
Jul 27, 2015 -- The mobile and sensing research communities have made remarkable progress in location sensing and activity detection in the recent years. However, many challenging problems still remain, including location and activity recognition accuracy, power management, effective sensor fusion, spatial environment representation, labor-less environmental surveys, crowd computing, and big data analytics of real-time and historical semantic locations and activities.
We are soliciting papers and extended abstracts of up to four proceeding pages long. All contributions that deal with the scientific analysis of location and activity data sets are welcome. The papers for the workshop may include previously published or submitted work.
Workshop Scope:
The workshop specifically solicits research including but not limited to the following topics:
Algorithms: Heterogeneous sensor data fusion for mapping and localization, probabilistic and statistical inferences, optimization, signal processing, and machine learning techniques for MELT problems, analysis of trade-offs of performance metrics (e.g. accuracy vs. time and cost), collaborative localization and mapping techniques, ad-hoc or opportunistic localization and mapping, efficient fingerprinting techniques, location data mining and prediction, location data acquisition and interpretation, energy-efficient localization and tracking methods, big data analytics, activity recognition using multi-modal sensor data, real-time and historical semantic localization;
Representations: Indoor map representations and automatic region or outline extractions, local and global maps and locations, geographical vs. topological maps, sparse vs. dense maps, map annotations, point of interest graphs, dynamic maps with real-time information, map markup languages or standardization, semantic location extraction and representation;
Systems: Localization systems on smartphones or mobile platforms, integrated with heterogeneous sensors (Wifi signal strength, inertial sensing, compass, odometry, etc.), efficient and accurate mapping systems using 2D or 3D cameras, active lighting or laser range finders;
User Interfaces: Effective interface for entering and presenting maps and locations, notes or annotations for point of interests, innovative mechanisms for representing topological relations or maps with partial geographic information, efficient survey and mapping techniques;
Applications: Emergence personal localization, vehicular tracking in GPS-less areas, sports and entertainments, fleet management; asset, yard or inventory tracking, location-based recommendation or activity management.
Paper Submission Details:
Authors are invited to submit a short paper or an extended abstract up to four pages of new or previously published work. Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format and formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates available at http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html. All submissions will be refereed for quality and relevance by the Program Committee.
Submission URL: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=melt2015
The proceedings of the workshops are expected to be published jointly with the conference proceedings and will appear in the ACM Digital Library. One author per accepted workshop contribution (paper, poster, demo) is required to register for the workshop and the conference, as well as attend the workshop to present the accepted submission.
Important Dates
August 31, Monday, 2015, 23:59 PST |
Paper due |
September 18, Friday, 2015 |
Acceptance notification |
September 28, Monday, 2015 |
Camera ready submission |
November 3, Tuesday, 2015 |
Workshop date |
General Co-Chairs:
Ying Zhang, Google, USA <
Email Contact>
Bodhi Priyantha, Microsoft Research, USA < Email Contact>
Program Chair: Alexander Varshavsky, Google, USA < Email Contact>
Publicity Chair: Jing (David) Dai, Google, USA < Email Contact>
Local Chair:
Mark L. Chang, Google, USA <
Email Contact>
Finance Chair: Richard Fuller, OmniTrail Technologies, USA < Email Contact>
Panel Chair: Bhaskar Mehta, Google, USA < Email Contact>
Advisory Committee:
Saumitra Das, Qualcomm, USA
Lukas Kencl, Czech Technical University, Czech
Jie Liu, Microsoft Research, USA
Technical Program Committee
Mark L. Chang, Google, USA
Xin Chen, HERE/Nokia, USA
Yao-Yi Chiang, University of Southern California, USA
Saumitra Das, Qualcomm, USA
Michal Ficek, Telefonica, Spain
Richard Fuller, OmniTrail, USA
Lukas Kencl, Czech Technical University, Czech
John Krumm, Microsoft Research, USA
Jie Liu, Microsoft Research, USA
Sherman Lo, Stanford University, USA
Chuanjiang Luo, Google, USA
Bhaskar Mehta, Google, USA
Bodhi Priyantha, Microsoft Research, USA
Jing (David) Dai, Google, USA
Alexander Varshavsky, Google, USA
Joy Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Ying Zhang, Google, USA