SpacEyes3D Viewer is a free software dedicated to the interactive visualization of 3D models created with SpacEyes3D Builder.
SpacEyes3D Viewer provides advanced features extracted from SpacEyes3D Builder to analyse and visalize DTM:
- 3D construction feature to build quickly a 3D base from any DTM and georeferenced image,
- Processing features to compute thematic maps from DTM (shaded relief, slope map, aspect map, colored relief, contour lines)
All common raster DTM formats (regular grid) are supported (bil/hdr, asc, GeoTiff...).
All common image formats are supported (ECW, GeoTiff, MrSID, Jpeg2000...).
The software is optimized to read big datasets without preprocessing.
SpacEyes3D Viewer also supports remote imagery servers (WMS, WCS, ECW...).
Multi-language user interface (English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian).
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