Authors: Mo G Khayat, Steven J Kempler, Barbara DeShong, Ed Esfandiari,
James Edward Johnson, Irina V Gerasimov, Michael R Berganski, and James G. Acker.
NASA’s earth observation missions commenced with the Television Infrared Observation Satellite (TIROS) series in the 1960s and continued with the Nimbus and Landsat satellite missions beginning in the 1960s. The Nimbus satellites inaugurated multi-sensor missions for environmental remote sensing. In the ensuing four decades, NASA’s Earth science activities have led to increasingly sophisticated satellite instruments, much larger data volumes, more complex data analyses, and a diverse suite of data products generated with sophisticated data algorithms. NASA now has at its disposal a huge amount of information about the state of our planet obtained from the vantage point of polar and low earth orbit satellites. For scientists seeking to study Earth’s changing climate, having long-term time series of data on key climate variables is crucial. The data from these missions constitute a vital archive for Earth science research.
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