Cadastre Information System (FBSIC) is a new tool to work with very unique and distinctive features for the purposes it serves. Among others:
-Brings together a multitude of cases that occur every day in pre-defined formats and streamlined immediately to the user;
-Integrates standardized and normalized information produced by third parties (Courts, Registries, Financial Services, Postcode, etc.).
-Focuses on the user's perspective;
-Allows corporate sector and uses integrated and multidisciplinary;
-Adds accuracy, efficiency and effectiveness of action;
-Ensures the traceability of changes;
-Exports to other information technology platforms, including SAP;
-Provides a platform for information and knowledge is a valuable asset in itself;
-Adds immediate value in a trend that grows exponentially over time, as the database is being enriched.
FBSIC is supported by a scalable architecture, standards-based information technology and communication, and interoperability, ensuring a high sustainability of long-term application.
Allows viewing and editing of geographic, alphanumeric and documental information.
Has a modular character (seven modules) comprising:
•Data Migration (geographic and alphanumeric), with some features for element validation;
•Field (supporting the activities of gathering information);
•Information Processing (import and validation of field data);
•Central (which provides tools that enable: load and edit information on a geographical, alphanumeric and document basis, monitor the quality of the project phases and their transitions (workflow); print maps and formal documents, among other features);
•Backoffice (to support the system administrator);
•Approval (enables to perform a cycle of approval of the design data before sending to DUP);
•Domain Management (enables to perform the management cycle of land parcels till their acquisition by the national authorities).
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