Weebit Nano demo chips integrating its embedded ReRAM module successfully complete functional testing phase
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Weebit Nano demo chips integrating its embedded ReRAM module successfully complete functional testing phase

HOD HASHARON, Israel, April 06, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Weebit Nano Limited (ASX:WBT; Weebit or the Company), a leading developer of next-generation memory technologies for the global semiconductor industry, confirms demonstration (demo) chips integrating its embedded Resistive Random-Access Memory (ReRAM) module have successfully completed their functional testing phase, a key step towards delivering a commercial product. These are the first available System-on-Chips (SoCs) embedding the Weebit ReRAM array inside its memory module. Potential customers can now use the demo chips to test Weebit’s ReRAM technology ahead of commercial orders and volume production.

After receiving the silicon wafers containing the demo chips from manufacturing in December, Weebit, together with its development partner CEA-Leti, sliced the wafers into chips, packaged them, and has now completed functional testing of the chips. Testing included programming (set and reset) and reading of the entire ReRAM array using smart algorithms, error correcting code (ECC) and various data manipulations. It also included testing the operation of the complete sub-system comprising all communication interfaces and system peripherals, as well as software running on the RISC-V microcontroller (MCU). The entire chip is performing as expected.

These highly integrated chips will now be used for characterisation and qualification – the next steps on Weebit’s commercialisation path.

Coby Hanoch, CEO of Weebit Nano, said: “Our team tested the complete demo chip including the full memory array, the advanced features of our memory module, and the entire system, and confirmed that it functions as expected. This is the first time we can see Weebit’s innovative memory technology operating live in a fully functional chip. We are now moving into a new phase of our roadmap during which customers can confidently begin designing Weebit ReRAM into their SoCs. The characterisation process is now underway and will be immediately followed by full qualification.”

Chips based on a similar design are currently being prepared for fabrication in SkyWater Technology’s US production fab. Once the module is qualified at SkyWater, volume production can commence. The transfer of Weebit’s embedded ReRAM technology to SkyWater’s production fab is progressing on schedule.

About Weebit Nano Limited

Weebit Nano Ltd. is a leading developer of next-generation semiconductor memory technology. The company’s ground-breaking Resistive RAM (ReRAM) addresses the growing need for significantly higher performance and lower power memory solutions in a range of new electronic products such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices, smartphones, robotics, autonomous vehicles, 5G communications and artificial intelligence.

Weebit’s ReRAM allows semiconductor memory elements to be significantly faster, less expensive, more reliable and more energy efficient than those using existing Flash memory solutions. Because it is based on fab-friendly materials, the technology can be quickly and easily integrated with existing flows and processes, without the need for special equipment or large investments.

See www.weebit-nano.com and follow us on https://twitter.com/WeebitNano.

Weebit Nano and the Weebit Nano logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Weebit Nano Ltd. in the United States and other countries. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

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Eric Kuret, Market Eye
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E: eric.kuret@marketeye.com.au   

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P: +1 650-336-4222

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