Screen Play For Fool's Return -- Next Hollywood Hit Movie Says Supporters
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Screen Play For Fool's Return -- Next Hollywood Hit Movie Says Supporters

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y., Sept. 24, 2014 — (PRNewswire) —  Fool's Return is a thrilling and flawless story that rejects conventional ideals of romance. Raving fans agree that Chervil's storytelling is raw, captivating, and enlightening in the most mesmerizing way.

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Sheila M. Trask, ForeWord Reviews, says, "Fool's Return balances an enchanting tale of romance and magic with a thoughtful look at pressing economic and environmental issues. Green technology is a topic seldom handled with a light touch, but Chervil manages to do just that in an entertaining story that delivers an uplifting message about personal power in the face of systemic crisis."

ForeWord Reviews rates Fool's Return as receiving 4 Out 5 Stars. "A boardroom technology demonstration gone terribly wrong and Gabrielle's turn as a movie-worthy spy top the list for humor and suspense."

Kirkus Reviews writes, "It's deeply refreshing to read about two smart woman plotting and scheming about science instead of romance, and the story conclusion delivers on this empowering promise. Some readers may dislike the technical language regarding Reagan's invention ('The fluid...didn't have the stabilizing additives I developed. Without them, the materials I use in the anodes become too volatile'), but it adds authenticity to the story..."

"This is a smart adventure with strong messages about altruism, big dreams and the influence of fate. Readers looking for a heroine with brains and beauty will enjoy following Gabrielle's appealing journey," concludes Kirkus Reviews.

The main character of Fool's Return is Gabrielle Landrieu, a venture capitalist who feels trapped in her job and marriage. When she takes a business trip to scenic Castine Maine, little does she expect to meet an eccentric fortune teller, feel an inexplicable connection to an enigmatic man, or confront business sabotage, flashbacks from a past life, and a web of karma that will not let her leave town without learning the lesson of not one life, but two. The story would appeal to individuals with interests in alternative energy, green technology, environmentalism, and sustainable living. The story would also appeal broadly to adult women, especially women with an interest in tarot, karma, past lives, soul mates, and similar spiritual beliefs and practices. 

During the novel, Gabrielle becomes involved with a project to develop a new battery with an amazing capacity to hold a solar generated charge. This technology promises to revolutionize the alternative energy industry and could someday render the traditional power grid obsolete.  Alongside the realistic plot line -- incorporating the big-business issues associated with developing and selling this new technology -- runs Gabrielle's personal spiritual journey.

If an advanced lithium-ion battery more powerful than any currently available sparks your interest, then this is the screenplay for a Film Director's or Studio Executive's next hit film adaptation! The plot is consistent from start to finish, and for the trained eye, it speaks sustainability loud and clear. It features sustainable brands such as Tesla, SolarCity, and the eco-friendly brands Land Rover, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel. Distinct parallels can in fact be drawn between Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel -- a strong, independent woman who revolutionized high fashion -- and Gabrielle Landrieu -- a strong, independent woman who introduces a revolutionary battery technology to the market.

If you are on the team of "Renewable Energy" and cheer for "Sustainable New Technologies," you will have no trouble backing Gabrielle as she battle the skeptics who cannot see the unending possibilities of new energy technologies. Be prepared to have your geek side fed with a plot involving rare earth elements and nanostructures; this story will have you visualizing the next generation of lithium-ion batteries.

Chervil is gathering support through a crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo under the title "Film to Book Adaptation – Fool's Return" to develop a marketable high budget screenplay to be written by accredited screen writers from the Writer's Guild of America, East (WGAE) with the potential to be slotted for film development. The goal is to raise $136,000 to cover the standard WGAE contract fee, additional transaction costs, and legal fees. With the full funding of this campaign, Chervil anticipates Fool's Return to be the next Hollywood hit movie, leading the way for a hat-trick with Fool's Return and Chervil's two sequels: the soon to be released Project Odyssey and a third novel targeted to be published during the second half of 2015. You can pledge your support by visiting Indiegogo and considering one of the perks offered in exchange for your support.

In her Indiegogo Campaign pitch, Chervil wrote, "I want to develop a screenplay for Fool's Return for two reasons. First, as an environmental sustainability advocate, I seek to promote alternative energy, such as solar energy, using creative fiction as my medium. Creative platforms such as books and films have been very effective in capturing the essence of serious and complex subjects. Creative works can examine such subjects using artistic expression in order to achieve higher impact and greater resonance with large audiences. Fool's Return features solar energy and battery technology that would revolutionize renewable energy if developed. My hope is to raise public awareness of alternative energy through an interesting plot featuring current technology and near future developments."

"Second, I wish to empower women by featuring a compelling female protagonist wrestling with many of the issues common to working women today: juggling a marriage, children, and a job without losing the opportunity for personal fulfillment. Many women would feel an affinity with Gabrielle's emotional journey in Fool's Return. During the novel, Gabrielle must learn how to stand as a strong, independent woman, capable of liberating herself from the demands of her stagnant job and marriage. She must find within herself the courage to do what at one point felt too difficult to consider: leave her thankless job and her loveless marriage. In doing so, she gains the freedom to open her own financial business and pursue her own happiness. My goal is to help women who have become trapped in their lives recognize their own capacity to generate change and to direct the course of their own destiny. To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, 'A little revolution, now and again, is a good thing.'"

Interestingly, Fool's Return raises public awareness on alternative energy storage by featuring electricity generation, the leading sector emitting carbon dioxide and causing climate change. While the story is futuristic, that future may not be far away. For instance, Fool's Return includes a company intending to mine asteroids. Not even a year after Fool's Return was published, an asteroid mining bill was introduced in Congress. For more information, please see this USA Today article.

About Lynda Chervil

Lynda Chervil is an author, entrepreneur, and active promoter of sustainable luxury brands and renewable energy technologies through advocacy for environmental sustainability on multiple media platforms. She graduated with a Master's of Science degree in Integrated Marketing Communications from New York University and is the Principal of Pearl Strategic, a business strategy consulting practice launching in October 2014.

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Lynda Chervil
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Ph: 917-494-3184


SOURCE Warwick Publishing

Warwick Publishing