OGC calls for public comment on candidate standard for encoding coverages in JPEG2000
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OGC calls for public comment on candidate standard for encoding coverages in JPEG2000

21 July 2014 – The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) membership seeks public comment on the candidate OGC GML Application Schema - Coverages – JPEG2000 Coverage Encoding Extension (abbreviated as “GMLCOV for JPEG2000”). This candidate standard can be downloaded from http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/requests/123

GIS coverages (including the special case of Earth images) are two- (and sometimes higher-) dimensional metaphors for phenomena found on or near a portion of the Earth's surface. Coverage instances may be encoded using the OGC GML Application Schema – Coverages (GMLCOV) Encoding Standard, which is based on the Geography Markup Language (GML), an XML grammar written in XML Schema for the transport and storage of geographic information. GMLCOV for JPEG2000 specifies an encoding of GML coverages for the JPEG2000 data exchange formats for still imagery (i.e. JPC, JP2, JPX). This document is the basis for the GML in JPEG2000 encoding standard v2.0 and a future format extension for WCS.

Suggested additions, changes, and comments on this candidate standard are welcomed and encouraged. Such suggestions may be submitted at by 20 August 2014.

The OGC® is an international consortium of more than 475 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards. OGC standards support interoperable solutions that "geo-enable" the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. Visit the OGC website at  http://www.opengeospatial.org/.


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